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这是多年以前一位为了寻找在中国牺牲的美国飞虎队飞行员的家人的资料。 戈叔亚










国会大厦路979号 格特鲁德·L·瑞根(Gertrude L.Rickon)夫人




忠诚的, C·L·陈纳德(签字)
美国陆军空军第14航空队少将司令官 第14航空队司令部
纽约邮局代理编码A.P.O 627 1945年5月11日


(上述信件原文) HEANDQUARTERS FORRTEENTH AIR FORCE A.P.O 627/C/O Postmaster New York City, New York

May 11, 1945 My dear Mrs. Rickon,

It is with deep regret that I must inform you that your son, First Lieutenant William E. Rickon, was killed in action April 25, 1945. no doubt you have already been notified by the War Department.

Lieutenant Rickon was Pilot of an airplane which was engaged in an important combat mission. His airplane was disabled as a result of enemy ground fire three miles south of Szeshui, Shansi Province, China. He radioed to other members of the flight that he was going to bail out but for some unknown reason did not do so until he was at a very low altitude and was killed by the impact of the landing. From all the available evidence, there can be no doubt that his death was instantaneous and without pain. His body could not be recovered from enemy territory.

Lieutenant Rickon’s loss is keenly felt by his mang friends and comrades among both officers and men. He was a loyal and conscientious officer, able at his appointed task and devoted to his duty. In recognition of his achievements in aerial flight he was awarded the Air Medal and was recently recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross which will probably be presented to you after its official approval. His splendid personal traits made him a universal favorite. We  will always remember him with pride and affection.

I wish to take this means of expressing to you and other members of the family the sympathy of the officers and men of my commend.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) C.L.CHENNAULT Major General, U.S.A. Commanding

Mrs. Gertrude L. Rickon, 979 Capitol Avenue, San Francisco, California.

(以下两封信也可以不用) Gertrude Rickon夫人 979Capital Avenue 旧金山,加州

尊敬的瑞根夫人: 我知道无论说什么都无法减轻儿子的牺牲对您的打击,但是我希望您知道我们全体飞行中队将分担您的痛苦。 威廉是我们中队的飞行指挥官。他真正有资格享有这个名称的全部含义,他总是努力用他的灵感传染给其他人来面对危险的战争。他对那些年轻的,没有经验的飞行人员总是伸出了友谊之手,使他们第一次战斗中就引导他们直到他们增强信心。他总是帮助这些年轻人狠狠打击敌人。 在他牺牲的那天,威廉在他习惯的航行线做指挥飞行,我也参加了这次行动。他领导战斗机编队对敌人地面目标发动攻击,但是他的飞机被地面炮火击中。当时我无法帮助他,当我听到了他用无线电的呼叫而震惊了,他说他被迫放弃他的飞机。但是不知道什么原因,他没有离开飞机,这时飞机飞得很低而撞击地面。在这样低空,他没有时间跳伞。 虽然他走了,但是他的精神将永远激励我们继续战斗。他永远活在我们心中。 请接收我个人最深的敬意!

忠诚的, M·戈登Donal M. Gordon(签字)空军少校 第529战斗机中队 邮局代理编码A.P.O. #210, 纽约 1945年4月25日

(上述信件原文) 529th Fighter Squadron SE A.P.O. #210, c/o postmaster New York City, New York 29 April 1945

Mrs. Gertrude Rickon 979 Capital Avenue San Francisco, Californa

Dear Mrs. Rickon: I realize that I can say nothing that will lesson your sorrow over the loss of your son, but I would like you to know that the entire squadron shares your loss.

William was a flight leader in our squadron. He was a leader in every sense of the word, always an inspiration to others in his willingness to face the dangers and uncertainties of war. He extended a helping hand to younger pilots less experienced that he, guiding them through their first combat engagements until they had learned confidence in themselves. Through these younger men he will continue to deal blown upon the enemy.

At the time he was lost, William was in his accustomed place leading his flight, with which I was flying that day. He was leading an attack on any enemy position when his airplane was hit by ground fire. I could not help but admire his cool courage as he announced over his radio that he was forced to abandon his airplan. For an unkown reason, he was unable to leave the airplane until he was at a very low altitude. His parachute did not have time to function properly and permit a safe descent.

Though he is gone, his spirit will ride with us everytime we take to the air to go against the enemy. His memory will ever sustain us in the trying days yet to come.

With deepest personal sympathy.


(Signed) Donal M. Gordon major, Air Corps, Commanding.

回答AGPD-R 201  Rickon, William K. 中尉事宜      
      Mr. Richard D. Rickon 979 Capitol Avenue San Francisco, Californa







你的忠诚的, 爱德华·F威德塞尔(EDWARD F. WITSELL)少将(签字)
        部长副官办公室代理副官 国防部部长副官办公室 华盛顿特区25号 1945年8月17日 


        WAR DEPARTMENT The Adjutant General’s Office Washington 25, D.C.

In reply refer to:                                17 Gugust 1945 AGPD-R 201 Rickon, William K. 0756 704

Mr. Richard D. Rickon 979 Capitol Avenue San Francisco, Californa

Dear Mr. Rickon:

I have the honor to inform you that, by direction of the President, the Distinguished Flying Cross has been posthumously awarded to your son, First Lieutenant William K. Rickon, Air Corps, and the Air Medal has been awarded to him while he was serving as Second Lieutenant. The citations are as follows:

DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS “for extraordinary achievement in aerial flight. They participated in fifty combat missions against the enemy as pilots of fighter type aircraft from 27 April 1944 to 22 March 1945. flying from bases in China, they strafed and dive-bombed enemy airfields, lines of communication, troops and supply dumps, inflicting severed damage in the face of fire from the enemy on the ground and in the air. In addition, they flew bomber escort and interceptor missions, often in spite of adverse weather. Overcoming many hazards, they carried out their missions with courage and determination. Their accomplishments reflect high credit upon themselves and upon the Army Air Forces.”

AIR MEDAL “For meritorious achievement in aerial flight from 27 April 1944 to 8 August 1944. they have accomplianed with distinction as pilot, more than twenty-five combat missions over enemy held territory of Northern Burma. In the execution of these flights they have with eagerness and vigor attacked enemy installations of materiel and troop concentrations, inflicting severe damage on these as well as bridges, airdromes and other communication facilities. The initiative and ability displayed in these operations reflect much credit upon themselves and the Army Air Forces.”

The decorations will be forwarded to the Commanding General, Ninth Service Command, Fort Douglas, Utah, who will select an officer to make the presentation. The officer selected will communicate with you concerning your wishes in the matter.

May I again express my deepest sympathy to you in your bereavement.

Sincerely yours,
      (Singed) EDWARD F. WITSELL, Major General
        Acting The Adjutant General’s Office





XXX 1983年12月12日 

Dear Chang Shao-qun:

Reference your AD in The “Ex-CBI Roundup”. I wish to locate the qraue site or any information. You can find on Lt. Willian E. Rickon. (see enclosed).

Thank you for all your help.


       715-9 One Appian Way South San Francisco, California 94080



      在撰写该文重新翻阅这些信件时,我猛然醒悟到,实际上写信人的名字和地址一样都是印刷的。这个名字是米歇尔·里斯第二(Michael Reese II)。


滇缅抗战史专家  戈叔亚


责任编辑:孙洪艳 最后更新:2016-07-19 17:59:04

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