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第三集 伪“满洲国”和汪伪傀儡政权形成的档案
2020-02-17 08:53:46  来源:国家档案局  点击:  复制链接

  Archives Formed by Puppet Manchukuo and Puppet Wang Jingwei Regime


  According to archives formed by the puppet Manchukuo government and the puppet Wang Jingwei Regime, which are kept in China, during the Japanese war of aggression against China, residential homes were forcefully seized to set up comfort stations under the Manchukuo and Wang Jingwei regimes, which were supported by Japanese Army. Expenses related to the stations came from military spending. This indicates that the comfort women system was under the direct control of the Japanese Government and Japanese Army. The following are two documents as evidence:

  1. 1938年2月12日,滕听涛等关于铁管巷瑞福里房屋被日军征用做慰安部之用申请救济的呈文(南京市档案馆)

  Document related to an application for relief on 2 February 1938 made by Teng Tingtao, and others, whose houses in Ruifuli, Tieguanxiang were forcefully taken by the Japanese Army and transformed into comfort stations.(Nanjing Municipal Archives)

  2. 1938年7月28日商民冯兆荣关于仿照日军慰安所办法设商民慰安所的呈文(南京市档案馆)

  Document, by merchant Feng Zhaorong on 28 July 1938, related to establishing merchant and civilian comfort stations, following the example of Japanese military comfort stations.(Nanjing Municipal Archives)

  3. 1939年2月-1940年1月,驻上海日本军警宪核准亲日分子在上海浦东地区开设“慰安所”的相关材料(上海市档案馆)

  Materials related to the permission given by the Japanese army, police and military police in Shanghai to the pro-Japanese elements in February 1939 and January 1940 to set up “comfort stations” in Shanghai’s Pudong area.(Shanghai Municipal Archives)

  4.4. 1944年6月30日,伪满第六宪兵团《高等警察期报》载,“因为征招未婚女性担当护士和慰安妇,朝鲜呈现明显的早婚倾向”(内蒙古自治区档案馆)

  Senior Police News by the Sixth Gendarmerie Regiment of the puppet Manchukuo government on 30 June 1944 recorded that the “obvious tendency of early marriage occurred in Korea because of the forceful recruit of single women as nurses and comfort women.”(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Archives)

  5. 1945年满洲中央银行鞍山支店的档案,内容是关于日军7990部队以军用款支付“慰安妇”相关费用的电话记录,记载了该部队以军用款支付“慰安妇”相关费用,数额高达53.2万日元,档案中明确记录为关东军部批准。吉林省档案馆)

  In 1945 the phone transcripts of Anshan Branch of Central Bank of Manchuria showed that the Japanese Army Unit 7990 used military money for costs associated with comfort women. The number was as big as 532 000 yen and approval from Kwantung Army headquarters was clearly recorded in the archives.(Jilin Provincial Archives)

责任编辑:智轩 最后更新:2022-08-18 14:33:15

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上一篇:第二集 日本方面当时形成的材料

下一篇:第四集 上海公共租界档案

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