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第六集 中国司法机关审讯日本侵华战犯形成的档案(9)广濑三郎笔供
2020-02-19 10:28:38  来源:中央档案馆  点击:  复制链接

  Materials Formed by the Chinese Judicial Authorities during the Trial of Japanese War Criminals


  The interrogation archives formed in the 1950s during the judicial investigation of Japanese war criminals of the People's Republic of China contained the written and oral confessions of hundreds of Japanese war criminals, interrogation summary, etc., which involved the contents of the “comfort stations” that the Japanese established in the occupied areas and how they forced Chinese, Korean, and Indonesian women to work as "comfort women", and ravaged women in comfort stations.

  9. 广濑三郎笔供

  Written confession of Saburo Hirose(广濑三郎)



  According to the written confession of Saburo Hirose on 14 August 1954, he served as senior aide in the Japanese Fifty-ninth Division. In April 1944, he was engaged “in the supervision of the rear facilities in Jinan, including the Military Assembly Hall, Star Club, the catering section of Hotel ‘Sakura’ Kaikosha, a Japanese organization of retired military servicemen, and the military bartender services. Star Club was a Chinese brothel dedicated to Japanese officers and soldiers, whose business was entrusted to the combined director of Chinese brothels in Jinan”. “In order for the Japanese army officers and soldiers to entertain themselves at little cost, forced about 30 prostitutes to receive 20 guests per person per day, or even 30 Japanese officers and soldiers at the peak. They were young women of 17 to 20 years old, forced to become the objects of sexual desire for the aggressors. Many of them were sick due to excessive fatigue”.

  Around June 1944, “the 12th Army ordered that prostitutes be sent to the front”, so “about 30 Korean prostitutes were sent to the dangerous front line, i.e. Zhengzhou”.

  • 广濑三郎笔供译文

  • 广濑三郎笔供原文

责任编辑:智轩 最后更新:2022-08-18 10:41:42

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上一篇:第六集 中国司法机关审讯日本侵华战犯形成的档案(8)渡边雅夫笔供

下一篇:第七集 战时出版的中日文图书资料

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