The comfort station established in Jiangwan County in January 1938. (Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
The comfort station established in Jiangwan County in January 1938. The comfort station directly under the army headquarters was operated in the form of private business to uphold the so-called “military decency”. Its initial form was private, but military medics were responsible for the management and checkups of “comfort women”.
2. 南京西南芜湖的日本籍随军慰安妇。(上海师范大学中国“慰安妇”研究中心)
Japanese “comfort women” in Wuhu to the southwest of Nanjing.(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
Japanese “comfort women” in Wuhu to the southwest of Nanjing, including “comfort women” offering free “services” to wounded soldiers and unemployed women who could not survive in Japan (1938).
3. 照片中是到达(慰安所)后等待检查的朝鲜女姓。(上海师范大学中国“慰安妇”研究中心)
The Korean women in the photo were waiting to be examined after arriving.(at the comfort station).(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
Young women from the Korean Peninsula were forced to join the initial recruitment of “comfort women”, because they were mostly free from venereal diseases and in good health. A lot of tragedies happened as a result. The Korean women in the photo were waiting to be examined after arriving (at the comfort station).
4. 战地前线没有妇科检诊台,某军医命卫兵制作的木质妇检诊台。(上海师范大学中国“慰安妇”研究中心)
The front line lacked gynecological examination theaters, so a military medic ordered the guards to make a wooden clinic gynecological desk.(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
5. 1938年1月,在上海杨家宅开设的军部直营慰安所一号。(上海师范大学中国“慰安妇”研究中心)
In January 1938, Comfort Station No. 1 directly operated by the army headquarters was opened at Yangjiazhai in Shanghai.(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
1938年1月,在上海杨家宅开设的军部直营慰安所一号。 在数个小房间并排的长屋式建筑前,士兵们按顺序等待。许可的时间是每人30分钟。数月后(该慰安所)被民营接管,有女性120人。
In January 1938, Comfort Station No. 1 directly operated by the army headquarters was opened at Yangjiazhai in Shanghai. In front of the long house-style building where several small rooms stood side by side, the soldiers waited in the line. The permitted time was 30 minutes per person. A few months later, (the comfort station) was privatized, housing 120 females.
6. 运送“慰安妇”的船只。(上海师范大学中国“慰安妇”研究中心)
Ships that transported “comfort women”.(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
The rules of “comfort Station” stipulated by the depot headquarters.(Chinese “Comfort Women” Research Center, Shanghai Normal University)
The Rules of the Comfort Station
A. The comfort station is open only to army men and staff employed by the military; comfort station passes are required for admission;
B. Visitors must register and, after payment, receive a ticket and a condom;
C. The ticket price is: 2 yen per person for soldiers and their family members;
D. Tickets are valid only on the day of purchase. Tickets are refundable before use, but cannot be refunded after given to “comfort women”;
E. Ticket holders are required to enter the designated room and stay for 30 minutes;
F. Tickets shall be given to the “comfort women” upon entering the room;
G. Alcohol is prohibited in the room;
H. Exit the room after completion;
I. Those violating regulations and disrupting military discipline must leave the facility;
J. Touching “comfort women” without using condom is prohibited;
K. Time for admission: Soldiers from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., corporals and staff employed by the military from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
责任编辑:智轩 最后更新:2020-02-20 09:02:46
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