三宅秀也, 1902年生,日本兵库县人。曾任伪满洲国热河省警务厅警务科科长、伪奉天省警务厅厅长。
二、笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)
Okabe Miyake was born in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan in 1902. He was once appointed as section chief of Police Department in Rehe Province, the “Manchukuo”, and director of the puppet Mukden Police Department.
According to the written confession of Okabe Miyake from August 1954 to April 1955, his major offences included:
1936:the authorities of the puppet Jinzhou Province and puppet Rehe Province arrested 7,066 communists and patriotic Chinese people with anti-Japanese ideas, 150 of which were severely punished (killed);
November 1938:held the epidemic prevention headquarters meeting, “in order to further complete the plague prevention in Xinjing area, it was decided that the puppet police force should encircle the plague source areas and make the seat of the puppet Nongan County completely cut off from the outside world”; “The main purpose for the Kwantung Army to order the Ishii Unitto directly cope with epidemic prevention was to enable it to take advantage of the plague in Xinjing area to conduct research and experiments, so as to prepare for germ warfare in the future. The Ishii Unit would use the people in Nongan County seat, who were encircled by the puppet police force, in plague germ research and experiments”;
From September 1939 to March 1941:orderedsubordinate puppet police forces to assist in “wiping out” the 1st Route Army of the Anti-Japanese United Army, shooting dead about 20 soldiers of the Anti-Japanese United Army, detaining about 1,500, including Yang Jingyu and Chen Hanzhang;
3 August 1942:ordered the puppet police forces of Qing’an County to shoot dead Xu Xiangzhi, Commander of the 3rd Route Army of the Anti-Japanese United Army, in Qingfengling, Qing’an County;
From July 1944 to August 1945:while serving as director of the puppet Mukden Police Department, ordered the subordinates to arrest people who committed criminal offences, “arresting 13,180 Chinese people in one city and 6 counties, transferring 4,565 of them to the puppet procuratorate, 14 of them were sentenced to death and later slaughtered in prison”.
三、点击阅读详情:笔供译文(Translation of the Written Confessions)
四、点击阅读详情:笔供原文(The Original Text of the Written Confessions)
责任编辑:智轩 最后更新:2023-01-29 15:37:39
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