Page 39 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 39

Tests generally used from ten to forty people at a time, with subjects
                tied to crosses in circles of various sizes. The tests involved an element of
                trial and error, and comparing results obtained from differently sized circles

                enabled  researchers  to  determine  ranges  of  effectiveness  at  various
                distances from the points where projectiles struck or infected insects were
                released.  When  biological  warfare  bombs  were  tested,  each  maruta  was
                protected with headgear and a metal plate hung from the neck to cover the
                front part of the body. These protective devices prevented death or serious
                injury that would make it imposssible to obtain the needed data. Arms and
                legs were left exposed, so that they could be bitten by the disease-carrying

                insects.  In  some  tests,  subjects  were  tied  to  vertical  boards  that  were
                anchored into the ground at various distances and patterns from points of
                release. Careful notes were made of wind and atmospheric conditions, and
                each person was marked with a number on his or her chest during each test
                for easy tracking of human specimens.


                      Under  veterinarian Wakamatsu Yujiro, Unit 100 in Xinjing (present-
                day Changchun), concentrated its research on pathogens effective against
                domesticated  animals.  The  horses  and  edible  animals  of  the  Soviet  and
                Chinese  armies  were  the  targets  of  this  research.  Unit  100  was  also  a
                bacteria factory, producing large quantities of glanders, anthrax, and other

                      Sabotage was another focus of the operations here, and one experiment
                entailed mixing poisons with food to study their effects on subjects and to
                gain  knowledge  of  appropriate  dosages  for  various  toxins.  Additionally,

                extensive areas of land were cultivated for research into chemicals for crop

                      The  Guangzhou  unit  has  been  mentioned  in  documentary  films  and
                written reports, though its activities have not been fully clarified, nor had its

                existence  even  been  decisively  proven.  In  late  October  1994,  a  private
                research  mission  from  Japan  went  to  Guangzhou  to  investigate  the
                possibility of Japanese biological warfare activity there. They also located a
                former unit member in Japan, who provided them with additional evidence
                of a germ warfare unit's having been in Guangzhou.
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