Page 46 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 46

disappeared from Japanese maps as the army moved more aggressively into

                      The workers themselves were ordered to the same secrecy as Unit 731
                personnel. And, as with Unit 731, the Japanese government has shown a
                deep reluctance to admit that anything untoward went on at Okunoshima.
                For a long time, the government refused to acknowledge responsibility for
                assisting  former  workers  at  the  factory  there.  Finally,  it  granted  some  of
                them recognition as poison gas patients and allowed them compensation, if

                far from sufficient. For all the destitution and respiratory and other health
                problems these people have suffered, though, they are comparatively lucky:
                many of their colleagues died before the government moved to grant them
                any form of assistance at all.

                      The plant on Okunoshima supplied some of the gas used in the human
                experimentation in Manchuria. A reported two million canisters of poison
                gas abandoned in China by the Japanese army has been a constant bone of
                contention  between  the  two  countries.  China  has  been  asking  for  its
                removal, while the Japanese government has appeared to be waiting for it
                simply  to  go  away  on  its  own.  Finally,  some  fifty  years  after  the  end  of

                World War II, Japan is reacting to pressure, time, and perhaps the incentive
                of benefits perceived to be had from good relations with an economically
                booming  China.  At  last,  the  abandoned  gas  weapons  are  scheduled  for
                deactivation.  Poison  gas  does  not  seem  to  fit  in  well  with  a  booming,
                mercantilistic atmosphere.

                Ties to the Civilian Sector

                      The massive scale of the new buildings and grounds was not the only
                major  change  concerning  Ishii  Shiro's  work  when  Unit  731  moved  to
                Pingfang.  The  change  in  venue  brought  about  a  drastic  revision  in

                organization,  as  well.  The  first  fortress/bacteria  factory  had  been  staffed
                only  by  military  doctors  and  technicians.  Now,  however,  Ishii  aimed  to
                move on from what had been a restricted exercise in military medicine, and
                involve  the  entire  Japanese  medical  community.  In  order  to  attain  this
                objective, Ishii once again needed to cash in on his talent for manipulation,
                this time to convince researchers to leave the security of their labs and join

                him in Manchuria. In the final analysis, Ishii's talent as an organizer would
                be evaluated as being greater than his research ability, despite the knack for
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