Page 66 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 66

water to record heat loss. "This person is obviously undergoing very little
                stress," he comments. His other tests get no mention.

                      Yoshimura's  human  experimentation  led  to  his  removal  from  the
                chairmanship of an academic organization in Japan. Student protests about
                issues including his human experimentation also led to his stepping down
                from the presidency of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.

                      In 1981, reporters from the Mainichi newspaper searched out former
                members of Unit 731 for interviews. (Three of these appear in Part 2 of this
                book.) They approached a "former army technician who became president
                of a public medical university after the war" and asked him about human
                experimentation. His  answer,  given in his office at the Kyoto  Prefectural

                University  of  Medicine,  was  simultaneously  evasive  and  unabashed:
                "Human experimentation? Maybe my subordinates did that, but I never did.
                But you people are thinking wrong. Even that did happen, it was war. The
                orders came from the country. All the responsibility lies with the country.
                The individual is not responsible."

                      Yoshimura's special, two-story tall "refrigerator laboratory" still stands
                at the Pingfang ruins.
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