
UNIT 731——Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East
2023-08-10 10:14:55   来源:Fonthill Media 作者:Yang Yan-Jun / Tam Yue-Him    点击:

  This book exposes Unit 731 as being the largest bacterial warfare force in the history of the Second World War. Manufacture and the use of biological weapons, the entire process of preparation and implementation of germ warfare, with the reflection on war and human nature, medical and ethical issues, is given by the testimony of the veterans of Unit 731. This evidence is provided by the surviving Chinese labourers and the families of the victims.

  The book focuses on five aspects: first, the inhuman medical crimes of Unit 731 weapons, the biological combats, and human experiments; secondly, the war damage and the postwar effects of biological war by Unit 731 brought to China and other Asian countries; thirdly, the survey and cover-up at the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials; fourthly the protection status of the site with development status of the exhibition and international exchanges of the Unit 731 Museum; fifthly and finally, there is a separate chapter discussing Japanese chemical warfare.


责任编辑:杜善晴 最后更新:2023-08-10 11:11:52

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上一篇:Materials on The Trial

下一篇:Unit 731 Testimony


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