Page 21 - Marutas of Unit 731
P. 21

ever y year in the detachment, in the  coldest months of the  year—November,
                December,      Januar y   and   Februar y.    e    exper imental     technique    was   as

                follows:  the  test  subjects  were  taken  out  into  the  frost  at  about  11  o’clock  at

                night,  compelled  to  dip  their  hands  into  a  barrel  of  cold  water  and  forced  to

                stand  with  wet  hands  in  the  frost  for  a  long  time.  Alter natively,  some  were

                taken  out  dressed,  but  with  bare  feet  and  compelled  to  stand  at  night  in  the

                frost  during  the  coldest  period  of  the  year.  When  frostbite  had  developed,
                the  subjects  were  taken  to  a  room  and  forced  to  put  their  feet  in  water  of  5

                degrees Celsius, aer which the temperature was gradually increased.”

                     Witness  Kurakazu,  who  was  Sergeant  Major  in  Unit  731  from  1940  and

                taken   prisoner    in   August   1945   by   the   Soviet   Troop   in   Harbin,   stated   on

                August  8,  1939  during  the  Khabarovsk  Trial,  “I  saw  exper iments  per formed
                on   living   people   for   the    rst   time   in   December   1940.   I   was   shown   thes e

                experiments  by  researcher  Yoshimura,  a  member  of  the  1            Division.  ese
                experiments  were  performed  in  the  prison  laborator y.  When  I  walked  into

                the  prison  laborator y,   ve  Chinese  exper imentees  were  sitting  there;  two  of

                these  Chinese  had  no   ngers  at  all,  their  hands  were  black;  in  those  of  three
                others  the  bones  were  visible.  ey  had   ngers,  but  they  were  only  bones.

                Yoshimura told me that this was the result of freezing exper iments.”
                     According     to   Major   Karasawa    during   the   Khabarovsk    Trial,   Ishii   was

                curious  about  using  plague  as  weapons  in  war  and  captured  plague  infected

                mice to test on subjects in the Zhong Ma complex. “Ishii told me  that he  had
                experimented       with    cholera    and   plague    on    the   mounted      bandits    of

                Manchuria during 1933-1934 and discovered that the plague was e                   ective.”

                     According     to   Lt.   General   Endo   Saburo’s   diar y   entr y   on   November   16,

                1933  at  the  Zhong  Ma  complex,  “ e  second  squad  which  was  responsible

                for  poison  gas,  liquid  poison;  and  the  First  Squad  which  was  responsible  for
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