Page 76 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 76

                             OF TAKAHASHI TAKAATSU

               October 30, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  ...  I  gave  orders  for  Detachment  100  to  prepare,  and  controlled  its  production  of  the
               bacteria of glanders and anthrax and of cattle plague and mosaic disease, with a view to their
               employment in bacteriological warfare and bacteriological sabotage against the Soviet Union.

                  Question: When, and to whom, did you give orders to prepare germs of glanders, anthrax,
               cattle plague and mosaic disease?

                  Answer: In September 1941 I ordered the Chief of Detachment 100, Colonel Wakamatsu,
               subsequently Major General of the Veterinary Service, to begin production of the bacteria of
               glanders, anthrax and red rust. In March 1944 I ordered him to begin production of cattle-
               plague and mosaic-disease germs in place of red rust.

                  .  .  .  Question:  In  what  connection  did  you  in  September  1941  order  the  Chief  of
               Detachment 100 to begin production of the bacteria of glanders, anthrax and red rust?

                  Answer: In connection with the receipt from the General Staff of Imperial Headquarters of
               instructions  to  the  Commander  of  the  Kwantung  Army  to  launch  preparations  for
               bacteriological warfare against the Soviet Union.

                  Question:  When  were  the  instructions  of  the  General  Staff  of  Imperial  Headquarters
               concerning preparations for bacteriological warfare received?

                  Answer: These instructions were received at the time the "Kan-Toku-En" Plan was being
               drawn up, in July 1941.

                  Question: How do you know this?

                  Answer:  I  learned  it  from  the  Commander  of  the  Kwantung  Army  personally  at  a
               conference  in  September  1941.  The  conference  was  conducted  by  the  Commander  of  the
               Kwantung Army on the question of preparing for bacteriological warfare against the Soviet
               Union. He announced this to all present at the conference. . . .



                 Military Prosecutor, Member of the staff

                 Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

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