Page 77 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 77

of Jurisprudence ANTONOV for Internal Affairs

                                                            for the Khabarovsk Territory Captain SEROV

                                                                                  Interpreter PROTASOV

                           OF TAKAHASHI TAKAATSU

               November 21, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Question:  What  decisions  were  taken  about  ways  and  means  of  waging  bacteriological
               warfare  in  the  light  of  the  data  on  bacteriological  reconnoitring  against  the  U.S.S.R.
               submitted by Hirazakura's group?

                  Answer: Wakamatsu, Hosaka and Ida were present when Lieutenant Hirazakura made his
               report. I do not remember who of those present voiced his opinions concerning the quantity
               of  pathogenes  of  anthrax,  glanders,  cattle  plague  and  sheep  plague  required  to  infect  the
               district in which Hirazakura's group conducted bacteriological reconnoitring.

                  Everything was to be carried out during hostilities between the Soviet Union and Japan. On
               that same occasion ways and means of employing bacteriological weapons against the Soviet
               Union were discussed. We outlined methods of infecting livestock: cattle was to be infected
               with anthrax and cattle plague with the use of aircraft. It was also intended to infect livestock
               belonging to the local population and which was grazing in nomadic pasturages.

                  Horses were to be infected with anthrax by using aircraft.

                  Since the epizootic spread of glanders involves big difficulties we decided to infect horses
               only with anthrax. . . . The sheep which Hirazakura's group purchased were to be infected by
               inoculation  with  the  pathogene  of  sheep  plague  and  let  loose  for  the  purpose  of  sabotage
               against the Soviet Union. The cattle purchased was also to be infected, by inoculation with
               the virus of cattle plague.

                  The infected cattle, sheep and horses were to be loosed in various directions with the aim
               of their landing on the territory of the military operations of the Soviet troops. Owing to the
               long lapse of time I cannot recall the details of all the measures we then outlined.

                  Question:  Did  you  report  to  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Kwantung  Army  on  the
               measures outlined?

                  Answer: Yes, I did. In particular, I reported to General Yamada.

                  Question: When and what did you report to him?

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