Page 24 - Unit 731
P. 24

In 1938, Unit 731 forced a large number of Chinese labourers and drafted many ‘special construction workers’ from Japan to accelerate the construction of
               the Pingfang Special Military Zone, where Unit 731 had gradually transferred after construction finished. The original headquarters of the Kamo Unit was
               preserved as the office of Division Three of Unit 731, also known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Division. From this time on, the
               largest scale bacteriological warfare research base in human history was built.
                  The  Unit  731  base  and  many  secret  experiment  laboratories  were  located  along  the  Rafa–Harbin  Railway  connecting  Harbin  and  Chengchun  via
               Xiangfang, Xuanjia, Pingfang, Jioujia, Nyujia, Ralin, Beiyinhe, and Anjia stations. The Japanese military implemented control by setting up secret zones
               between Xuanjia, Pingfang, and Jioujia stations on the Rafa–Harbin Railway. Every train passing through Pingfang station was required to lower window
               shades in advance, and passengers were forbidden to look outside. Anyone violating the rules would be arrested by Japanese officials and taken to the
               Police Bureau or Kempeitai under suspicion. The zone seemed to be a city inside a city.
                  The secret military zone set up along the Rafa–Harbin Railway was commonly called ‘60 miles of national boundary’ (60 Chinese miles, or Li, is
               equivalent to 30,000 metres). A branch line of the Rafa–Harbin Railway passed through Unit 731’s core area of bacteriological research, which exclusively
               served Unit 731 to transfer ‘materials of human experiments’ as well as military materials and experimental devices.
               Tiny Harbin, Large Pingfang

               Facilities  of  Unit  731  were  completed  in  August  1939,  including  the  general  office,  Sifanglou  (a  special  prison  in  the  bacteriological  research  field),
               experiment facilities, and infrastructure to supply heat, electricity, and water, as well as the exclusive railway and an airport. Additional facilities, such as
               dormitories, material warehouses, Tōgō Shrine, Tōgō School, Tōgō Square, hospitals, halls, pubs, and sport fields, were also included. The total surface
               area of Unit 731 core area was approximately 6.1 km square, and a wall 5,000 metres long, 2.5 metres tall, and 1 metre wide surrounded the general office
               on which high voltage electric webs were installed. Trenches 3 metres wide and deep were dug outside the wall.
                  Unit 731 resembled a mysterious castle surrounded by military facilities—a high wall, electrical webs, and trenches. Pingfang Special Military Zone
               was a no-fly zone; even flights of Japanese military were forbidden over the zone, and Unit 731 could shoot them down without advance authorisation. In
               addition, the Consulate-General of Japan in Harbin and secret connecting points, such as the Jilin Street connecting point, were situated in downtown
               Harbin outside the head office in Pingfang.
                  Covertly established by the Japanese Army, and applying biology and medicine in weapon research and manufacturing, Unit 731 conducted inhumane
               activities in the isolated castle. As Unit 731 became more secretive and its scale grew larger, the rumour of ‘tiny Harbin, large Pingfang’ spread.

               Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department
               The Ishii Unit formally decreed the use of the name ‘Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army’. In 1941, the Ishii
               Unit and other divisions were generally called ‘Unit 659 in Manchuria’; the head office in Pingfang, ‘Unit 731 in Manchuria’; the Mudanjiang Detachment,
               ‘Unit 643 in Manchuria’; the Sunwu Detachment, ‘Unit 673 in Manchuria’; the Linkou Detachment, ‘Unit 162 in Manchuria’; the Hailar Detachment,
               ‘Unit 543 in Manchuria’; and the Dalian Research Institute of Health, ‘Unit 319 in Manchuria’.
               Vast Organisational Structure

               The  organisation  of  Unit  731  was  huge  and  consisted  of  a  large  number  of  personnel  serving  eight  departments:  General  Affairs,  Bacteriological
               Experiments, Bacteriological Research, Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification, Bacteria Production, Training and Education, Equipment Supply, and
                  Apart from these eight departments, there was a special section responsible for prison management. Divisions were set up under each department,
               sections were created under each division, and each section was named after the person in charge. The General Affairs Department was responsible for
               writing  plans  of  bacteriological  warfare  research,  drafting  unit  commands,  and  personnel,  backup,  and  finance,  as  well  as  labour  management.  The
               Bacteriological Research Department, as the core institute of bacteriological research in Unit 731, was responsible for researching medicine for offensive
               bacteriological  warfare  and  producing  serum  and  related  defensive  equipment.  The  Bacteriological  Experiment  Department  studied  the  efficiency  of
               bacteriological  weapons  and  attack  methods  against  humans,  animals,  and  plants.  With  manufacturing  factories  for  water  filters  and  shells  used  for
               bacteriological bombs, the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department was responsible for the epidemic prevention and water purification for
               Unit 731, and studying and producing bacteriological bombs. Bacteria Production Department developed bacteria, studied and manufactured vaccines, and
               produced bacteriological weapons. The Training and Education Department trained personnel in bacteriological research, manufacture, and usage, and
               initiated  education  of  epidemic  prevention  studies  and  bacteriological  studies.  The  Equipment  Supply  Department  was  responsible  for  supplying
               manufacturing equipment, preserving experiment equipment, bacteria, vaccines, and delivering animals for experiment. The Therapy Department provided
               epidemic preventive methods and medical treatments for members of Unit 731 and their relatives.
                  On 2 December 1940, Yoshijirō Umezu, commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, signed the No. A398 combat command of the Kwantung Army:
               ‘… order the Chairperson of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army to present arrangements of the following
               units  at  designated  locations:  Mudanjiang  Detachment—Hailin;  Linkou  Detachment—Linkou;  Sunwu  Detachment—Sunwu;  Hailar  Detachment—
               Hailar’. 17
                  Unit 731 set up the Hailar Detachment, Mudanjiang Detachment, Linkou Detachment, and Sunwu Detachment in accordance with this command. In
               addition,  along  with  the  Dalian  Research  Institute  of  Health,  which  was  taken  over  by  Unit  in  1938  and  transformed  as  the  branch  of  the  Epidemic
               Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army in Dalian, and a Special Experimental Field and Chengzigou Experimental Field,
               Unit  731  was  comprised  of  large-scale  bacteriological  warfare  research,  production,  and  testing  systems,  all  provided  with  vast  personnel  and
               comprehensive facilities.
                  According to the Japanese records of ‘Name List of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army’ (関東軍防疫
               給水部留守名簿), in June 1945, there were four identities, namely general or colonel, officers, soldiers, and dependents. At that time, the Unit had 3,507
               members  total,  including  one  lieutenant-general,  one  major-general,  seven  colonels,  four  lieutenant-colonels,  thirty-five  majors,  fifty  technicians,  135
               assistant technicians, thirty-two captains, twenty-three first-lieutenants, twenty-six second-lieutenants, and nineteen chief warrant officers. 18
               Expansion and Spread
               The code of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army was ‘731’. In reality, this department was one of eight
               departments of the Kwantung Army responsible for studying water filtration and researching and producing defensive bacteriological warfare equipment.
               Initiating a large-scale human experiment, Unit 731 prepared and executed bacteriological warfare under the name of ‘epidemic prevention and water
               purification’. Other Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Departments across Japan and Japan’s colonies imitated Unit 731 by claiming themselves
               ‘epidemic prevention and water purification’ to prepare and execute bacteriological warfare and human experiments.
                  According to records from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, a series of institutions related to bacteriological warfare was founded under
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