Page 127 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 127

He used to be section head of the Iwate Prefectural Hygiene Department [in
                postwar days].

                      There were several poison gas test sites outside of Harbin. The Anda
                site was up against the side of a mountain, and I was there during human
                experiments. A lot of top brass from the Kwantung Army came to watch.
                Takeda no Miya was there also. Twenty or thirty maruta  had their hands
                tied behind their backs around wooden posts set in the ground, and the gas
                tanks were on the ground waiting.

                      For a week before the test, the meteorological team was checking the
                weather. Then, on one test, the wind shifted and the gas came blowing in
                our direction, and everybody had to run.

                [Takeda no Miya was an imperial prince and a cousin to Emperor Hirohito.

                It was common practice for people of the imperial family to serve in the
                military, but Takeda's role in Manchuria is of particular interest. He was the
                officer  in  charge  of  finances  for  the  Kwantung  Army,  and  all  money
                flowing  to  Manchuria-based  units  went  through  his  office.  He  went  to
                Pingfang on numerous occasions and to other units, obviously to check up
                on how the funds he was dispensing were being spent.

                      At  times  he  used  a  pseudonym  to  conceal  his  identity.  He  took  one
                character each from his name and title and reversed them, so that "Takeda
                no  Miya"  became  "Miyata."  A  story  from  another  former  Youth  Corps
                member recounts the time his unit received a visit from a Colonel Miyata

                Sanbo. It was midsummer, and it was the custom of the unit administration
                to place a large column of ice in the rooms of high-ranking guests to bring
                down the temperature. The Youth Corps boy and his associates all thought it
                strange that while a colonel was nowhere nearly high enough to receive this
                courtesy,  Miyata's  room  was  honored  with  an  ice  column.  Later,  they
                discovered the real identity of the man.

                      By  the  time  of  the  Tokyo  Olympics  in  1964,  Takeda  no  Miya  was
                known in Japan as the chairman of the Japan Olympic Committee and vice-
                chairman  of  the  Tokyo  Olympic  Organizing  Committee.  He  was  also
                important in other sports circles.]

                      I remember when I had to deliver the boss's briefcase to the Imperial
                Household  Ministry.  [The  Imperial  Household  Agency,  known  as  the

                Imperial  Household  Ministry  before  the  war,  is  a  centuries-old  organ
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