Page 132 - Unit 731 Testimony
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people as consumable materials. But at that time I was so involved, I was
                unaware  of  reality.  In  those  days,  when  you  said  the  word  tenno
                ["emperor"] and you weren't at attention when the syllable te came out, you

                got your face slapped. This is the first time for me to speak about those days
                in front of people. My recollection might not be complete, so please forgive
                      One more thing. I cannot give my name yet, but when the time comes,
                I will identify myself and speak openly about the facts of war, the value of


                Hygiene specialist (Wano Takeo)

                [Wano  was  attached  to  Unit  731's  Medical  Examination  and  Treatment
                Center outside of Harbin. He spoke at Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, in
                July 1994.]
                      The  Unit  731  examination  and  treatment  center  was  separated  from

                unit headquarters, so it is less well known. At the time, there were a lot of
                cases of communicable diseases, and our work was examination, treatment,
                and prevention of disease for army personnel and their families. The Harbin
                Army Hospital was inside the city, but our operations were located away
                from it. We averaged about seventy patients per day.

                      Our building was called the south wing, a wooden structure built by
                Unit  731.  Next  door  was  a  brick  building,  and  I  saw  the  Ishii  water
                purification  machine  in  there.  When  I  went  there,  the  building  was  not
                finished yet and I was assigned to Pingfang for a while.

                      In  our  work,  the  biggest  fear  was  the  danger  of  getting  infected
                ourselves, with plague and other diseases. When a plague patient came in
                everyone was so careful of cuts that we avoided shaving.

                      My main work was examining blood, urine, and feces, and looking for
                changes  in  hemoglobin.  During  the  four  years  I  was  at  the  south  wing  I
                made frequent visits to the headquarters at Pingfang. I also had to go into
                the prisons to deliver the blood samples that I brought from our division,
                and receive blood samples and tissue specimens.
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