Page 133 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 133

When we entered the prison buildings, we had to walk through a tray
                of  disinfectant.  Then  we  were  inspected  at  a  door,  and  finally  met  the
                person we were to hand the samples to. Miyamoto, the man who worked

                there, later died of typhoid. I used to meet him and a technician there all the
                time; I never met them outside of that room.
                      The blood samples I received from them were taken from maruta who
                were infected with viruses. The samples were in prepared slides. I traveled
                by  truck  between  Pingfang  and  the  south  wing  twice  a  day,  carrying

                specimens and papers. Another part of my job was carrying human organs.
                      There was no real research in vaccine at the examination and treatment
                division. The Pingfang teams developed an invigorative solution, and we

                injected it into patients who were close to recovery. The base was garlic,
                and I injected it into myself sometimes to overcome fatigue.
                      We used a lot of Chinese workers. Some couldn't work without heroin,
                and we gave it to them.

                      At  the  south  wing  we  also  performed  dissection.  One  of  the
                researchers had dissected a huge number of maruta at Pingfang and came to
                be known as the "dissection wizard." He's now active in the medical world.

                      We had a patient at the south wing who was a member of Unit 731. I
                thought that he had contracted syphilis, but he had the plague, and he died. I
                think his body was sent to Pingfang. And people who died at the south wing
                were  all  dissected.  If  no  family  member  came  we  would  dissect
                immediately and preserve them. The preserved bodies were probably sent to

                      There were nutrition specialists at south wing, and they were consulted
                by Pingfang for advice on diets for the maruta.

                      An  order  came  from  Unit  731  to  form  examination  and  treatment
                teams, and go out into the villages to treat the people. An unknown disease
                broke out among one of the tribes and we went out there. It was typhus, and
                we treated it for fifteen days, then came back. Another time we went out to
                a town between Harbin and Xinjing when typhoid broke out. Our job was to
                keep it from spreading.

                      Unit 731 was working to make biological weapons. For that, it is also
                necessary to have a knowledge of treatment of disease. Our division went to
                treat people, but our work required the dissection of maruta. Our data was
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