Page 134 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 134

used in the development of biological weapons, and the total direction of all
                our efforts was toward warfare.

                      On August 10, 1945, we boarded a train at Harbin. We heard talk about
                an uprising in Korea, but in about ten days we made it back to Japan.
                      There  is  one  thing  I  would  like  to  mention  about  this  exhibit.  It  is
                stated  that  when  the  war  ended,  rats  ran  around  infecting  people  with

                plague. That is not true. I heard that the rats were all killed with chemicals
                and did not infect the area. The maruta were also killed.

                Hygiene specialist (Anonymous)

                [The  speaker  gave  this  talk  at  Morioka  City,  Iwate  Prefecture,  in  July

                      Five  people  were  selected  from  each  prefecture  to  become  hygiene
                specialists, and I was one of Iwate's five. In January 1941, we arrived in
                Dalian. We spent three months training in a unit there, and in March I was
                transferred to Pingfang and entered Unit 731. I was eighteen years old.

                      At the former unit we were always hit around by the senior soldiers,
                and  it  was  rough.  But  at  Unit  731,  there  was  harmony.  There  were  only
                medical  officers  and  civilian  doctors.  There  was  no  seniority  among
                soldiers,  no  noncommissioned  officers.  The  facilities  and  the  food  were
                good, and we didn't get hit.

                      As  soon  as  we  came  to  Unit  731,  I  heard  rumors  about  human
                experiments.  They  told  us,  "You're  in  a  unit  that  infects  prisoners  with
                bacteria and dissects them. Get yourself ready for it."

                      From April to July, we had general education. There were about two
                hundred of us in the same residence hall. Later, we worked at dissecting
                dogs. After I opened up a dog, the instructor explained the organs.
                      Part of our work was growing bacteria in glass dishes. They warned us

                not to touch the bacteria with our hands. We were told, "Don't remove the
                cover  until  you  get  the  order  to  do  so."  We  were  ordered  to  apply  the
                bacteria culture medium to the glass dish as a preparation stage and leave it
                overnight. In twenty-four hours, the bacteria would generate. The medium
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