Page 139 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 139

drank  that  water  and  died.  Strong  words  came  from  the  Special  Forces
                officers. Why did he throw that into the water? The main work of the unit
                was  supposed  to  be  water  sampling.  Maybe  when  people  came  up  and

                accused us of making them sick, it was too much for him.
                      A few days after that, the fellow who always worked with Murakami,
                Sergeant Maruyama, committed suicide. Maybe he was under pressure from
                the officers.

                      He had killed himself in an army comfort woman brothel. And it was
                an officers' brothel. This was a big problem for the army, and I was ordered
                to go get the body before news leaked out.

                      At  the  time,  there  were  three  classes  of  brothels.  Class  I  was  for
                officers, Class 2 was for noncoms, and Class 3 was for civilian employees
                and enlisted men. But even those who were not officers had a chance to go
                to the Class I brothels. Units were given certain days on which their men
                could use the officers' brothel. On days when we had no duty and would be
                going to the brothel, we would muster in the morning at 8:30. They would

                inspect our condoms, and anyone with a condom with a hole in it would not
                be allowed off base. Enlisted men were allowed off base from 8:30 until
                supper time. We used to line up at the brothel and wait our turn. We would

                each be finished in ten to fifteen minutes. Non-coms could stay out until  10
                P.M., and officers until the following morning.

                      The brothels were under civilian management, but some were for the
                exclusive use of army personnel. There were almost no Chinese women in
                them;  almost  all  were  Koreans.  The  medical  unit  of  the  Twenty-third
                division used to go in there to perform VD checks, and they issued health

                      There  were  also  brothels  for  civilian  employees  of  Japanese
                corporations like Shimizu and Kajima construction companies, but venereal
                disease was more rampant among civilians.

                      I went to the brothel to get the body. Maruyama had taken potassium
                cyanide,  and  a  Korean  comfort  woman  was  crying  in  the  room.  The
                Japanese manager of the brothel was angry at the commotion caused by the
                man's suicide. I calmed him down with a few small presents, then I wrapped
                the body in a blanket and brought it back to the unit. One of the sergeants

                cremated the body and sent the ashes to Maruyama's home town.
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