Page 141 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 141

were there. Ishii wouldn't believe it. But he did give that order and if he had
                lived to see it, he wouldn't have allowed it.

                      When I first entered Unit 731, I had no idea that it was that kind of
                unit. I thought it was to help the people of China by providing clean water.
                The Japanese enjoy drinking good water, so I naturally thought that water
                supply would be our job. When I came to the Unit 731 Exhibition the first
                time, I was shocked. I had heard rumors, but I never even knew the word
                "maruta." I had heard rumors about the dissections, and I wondered if those

                things really happened. I thought that if they had really happened, they were
                wretched acts. But, personally, I feel no shame. I thought that I was really
                doing a good thing.

                Kenpeitai member (Iwasaki Ken'ichi)

                [The  water  torture  was  used  for  the  fifteen  years  that  Japan  spread  its
                "coprosperity"  through  China.  Former  kenpeitai  member  Iwasaki  has
                appeared many times before audiences to tell of the role his organization
                played  in  supporting  the  occupation  and  supplying  victims  for  human

                experiments. The water torture was used mainly to force confessions from
                those who resisted the Japanese invasion and occupation, and a replica of
                the water torture system was built for the travelling exhibit.]

                      There were special tables such as the one at the exhibition built for this
                purpose, but sometimes an ordinary bench or a ladder was used. I first saw
                this device when I was assigned to the Harbin branch. I thought it was a
                very handy system and was delighted with it. I used it for six years, until the
                end of the war. Yet many officials who participated in the invasion never
                saw one, and even some kenpeitai officers are seeing it for the first time at
                these exhibits.

                      The  victim  is  placed  naked  on  the  board  face  up.  The  head  is  held
                immobile  inside  a  wooden  box  frame  fixed  at  the  end  of  the  board.  The
                arms and legs are strapped down. The victim is not able to move no matter
                how great the suffering. If a hose is used to force water into the mouth, as

                had been the case previously, the victim can evade some of the water. A
                different  system  was  devised,  an  easier  one  whose  results  are  more
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