Page 142 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 142

First, water is poured on the chest to prevent a heart attack. A cloth is
                placed over the mouth and nose, and water is trickled over it slowly. The
                cloth becomes saturated, and no matter how much the victim tries to fight,

                water enters the body and in five or six minutes the belly swells. This is
                continued until the desired confession is obtained. The reason for devising
                this system was that it was easy to use and did not leave any visible scars as
                evidence of torture.
                      Concerning  the  human  experiments,  I  had  some  idea  that  they  were

                going on but it was secret and we were not informed. Sometimes people
                would  not  confess  under  any  amount  of  torture.  Their  bodies  would  be
                broken down but they would not give in. If we released them, they would
                accuse us of torturing them, so we sent them to the Ishii unit.

                      Condemned  prisoners  from  all  over  were  brought  to  us  at  Harbin.
                Instead  of  being  executed,  they  were  used  for  freezing  experiments  in
                Harbin's subzero winters. I knew that these tests were necessary if we were
                going to have to fight Russia.

                      There  were  occasional  parties  to  commemorate  someone's  work.  A
                committee  would  decide  on  carrying  out  executions  while  everyone  was
                drinking  saké.  There  was  one  officer  who  was  especially  fond  of
                executions. He would have about five persons sit in front of a ditch, then
                behead them and kick the bodies into the ditch. These particular executions
                apparently had no scientific aims.

                      I thought it was good that the place was blown up after the war and the
                secrets did not get into the hands of the Russians. Everyone else thought so,

                Three Youth Corps members (Anonymous)

                [These men held a panel discussion at the Iwate exhibition site. All three

                still retain anonymity, and are listed here simply as Y-san, T-san and K-san.
                      Y-san and T-san were in a group that was sent to Manchuria as Japan
                was on the verge of collapse. The war ended without their knowing the real
                function of Unit 731. When the outfit was getting ready to pull out from its
                base, T-san was given the job of disposing of the maruta.
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