Page 14 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 14

". . . In order to ascertain the effectiveness of these poisons, experiments were performed
               on animals and living people. ..." (Vol. 13, p. 48.) Accused Mitomo, who likewise served in
               Detachment 100, admitted that he had himself killed a number of prisoners after performing
               inhuman experiments upon them. (Vol. 12, p. 192.)

                  Mitomo testified:

                  "There was a case of a Russian on whom, in August

                  1944, various experiments were performed for two weeks.

                  His constitution having broken down, Matsui ordered

               that he should be killed with an injection of potassium

               cyanide. .. .

                  "On  the  pretext  of  giving  him  medical  treatment,  I  made  an  injection  ...  of  potassium
               cyanide and the Russian died immediately. I made the injection in the solitary confinement
               cell. ...

                  "At the beginning of September 1944, two Russians

               were shot dead in my presence by a gendarme at the

               cattle cemetery, and were buried there. This was done

               on the orders of Lieutenant Nakazima. They were shot

               because no more experiments could be performed on them

               in view of their exhausted state and unsuitability for

               further experimentation." (Vol. 12, p. 149.)

                  In addition to criminal experimentation in infecting

               prisoners with plague and other severe infectious diseases,

               Detachment 731 extensively practised inhuman experiments

               in freezing the limbs of living people. Prisoners were made

               to keep their arms and feet in special boxes filled with ice

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