Page 17 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 17

course of this expedition, Japanese aircraft infected the locality with plague-carrying fleas.

                  Another  expedition  was  organized  by  Detachment  731  in  1942,  at  a  time  when  the
               Japanese forces were retreating in one of the sectors in Central China.

                  Accused Karasawa testified regarding the preparations for this expedition as follows:

                  ". . . An expedition against the Chinese troops was carried out in the middle of 1942, with
               General Ishii in charge.

                  ". . . As a preliminary to this expedition, 130 kilograms of paratyphoid and anthrax bacteria
               were prepared under my direction, again on the orders of Major Suzuki. According to my
               information, fleas were also used as epidemic carriers in this expedition. ... To carry out the
               expedition, General Ishii left with a party for Central China, where the Japanese troops were
               retreating  at  that  time.  The  members  of  the  expedition  took  advantage  of  the  retreat  to
               disseminate  bacteria  in  the  abandoned  territory  in  order  to  cause  outbreaks  of  epidemic
               among the advancing Chinese troops." (Vol. 4, p. 44.) This testimony of accused Karasawa
               was fully confirmed by another accused, Kawashima Kiyoshi:

                  ". . . In July 1942, after preliminary preparations had been made, the expedition left in
               several parties for Central China. ..." "This time the bacteriological weapon was employed on
               the  ground,  the  contaminating  of  the  territory  being  done  by  sabotage  action.  ..."  "The
               advancing Chinese troops entered the contaminated zone and came under the action of the
               bacteriological weapon."

                  As  established  by  the  testimony  of  witness  Mishina  Takayuki,  formerly  Chief  of  the
               Information  and  Intelligence  Division  of  the  Headquarters  of  the  13th  Japanese  Army,
               members of Bacteriological Detachment Ei also took part in this operation. (Vol. 6, p. 307.)

                               Intensification of Preparations
                    for Bacteriological Warfare against the U.S.S.R.

                  In 1941, after Hitler Germany's perfidious attack on the U.S.S.R., the Japanese militarists,
               while waiting for an opportune moment to enter the war against the Soviet Union, greatly
               accelerated in Manchuria the expansion and training of the bacteriological detachments and
               their branches, formed to wage bacteriological warfare.

                  In accordance with the "Kan-Toku-En" Plan (the plan for the deployment of the Japanese
               Kwantung Army for attack on the U.S.S.R., approved in the summer of 1941), detachments
               731 and 100 organized the special training of officers and non-commissioned officers in the
               use of bacteriological weapons.

                  Lieutenant General Takahashi Takaatsu, formerly Chief of the Veterinary Service of the
               Kwantung  Army,  testified:  ".  .  .After  the  'Kan-Toku-En'  operations  plan
               appeared,'epizootic'units  wereformed  under  the  headquarters  of  every  army  in  Manchuria.
               The chiefs of these units were medical men, expert bacteriologists, detailed from Detachment
               100. . . . The initiator of these units was the 1st Operations Division of the General Staff of

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