Page 16 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 16

(Vol. 4,p. 43.) Accused Nishi Toshihide, who had himself seen at the quarters of Detachment
               731 a secret documentary film showing the Japanese bacteriological unit in action against
               Chinese troops, testified:

                  ". . . The following scenes were shown on the screen: special receptacles being attached to
               the planes, with a caption explaining that these receptacles contained plague-infected fleas. ...
               An aircraft flying over the enemy's positions. On the ground could be seen Chinese troops in
               movement  and  an  inhabited  place."  Nishi  further  stated  that  the  film  showed  the
               bacteriological attack itself, and also its conclusion:

                  "A plane is seen returning to the airfield. This is

               followed by the caption 'Operation Concluded.' Ishii

               and Ikari alight from the plane. Then comes the caption,

                  'Results.' A Chinese newspaper is shown on the screen,

               with a Japanese translation. The Chinese paper says

               that a severe plague epidemic has broken out suddenly

               in the Nimpo area." (Vol. 7, p. 58.)

                  Apart from this testimony of the accused Karasawa and

               Nishi, the fact that a special expedition was sent to the theatre

               of hostilities in Central China is corroborated by documents

               found in the archives of the Japanese Kwantung Army. One

               of them was Order No. 659-Hei issued on July 25, 1940,

               by General Utnezu, formerly commander of the Japanese

               Army,  in  which  the  Chief  of  the  Field  Railway  of  the  Kwantung  Army  was  directed  to
               transport a number of personnel of Detachment 731 and a special top-secret freight to Central
               China. Another of the discovered documents was Order No. 178 issued in pursuance of this
               order on July 26, 1940, by Lieutenant General Kusaba, Chjef of the Field Railway of the
               Kwantung Army, which also stressed the especial secrecy of this freight, prescribing in view
               of this that its specifications should not be entered in the waybill, and in which the route was
               indicated to be Pingfan-Harbin-MukdenShanhaikwan and Tientsin. (Vol. 15, pp. 35-39.)

                  In 1941, Detachment 731 sent an expedition to theChangteh area in Central China. In the

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