Page 22 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 22

From  July  1944  onward,  accused  Nishi  was  at  the  same  time  Chief  of  the  so-called
               Training and Education Division of Detachment 731, and supervised the training of personnel
               for special units intended for bacteriological warfare.

                  Accused Nishi himself took part in criminal and inhuman experiments on living people.

                  In 1945, when the Soviet forces were drawing near, accused Nishi, in order to obliterate
               the traces of his criminal activity, destroyed by fire all the service premises and documents of
               Branch 673, which he directed. (Vol. 7, pp. 108 and 112-15).

                  6. Karasawa Tomio, who from 1943 to 1945 headed a section of the Production Division
               of  Detachment  731,  was  one  of  the  active  organizers  of  the  mass  production  of
               bacteriological weapons.

                  In  1940-42,  accused  Karasawa  took  an  active  part  in  supplying  bacteria  to  the  special
               expeditions  sent  by  Detachmenf  731  to  Central  China  for  the  purpose  of  employing
               bacteriological weapons in military operations.

                  In 1943-44, accused Karasawa took a direct part in criminal experiments in which lethal
               bacteria were tested on prisoners. (Vol. 4, pp. 158 and 162-65.)

                  7. Onoue Masao, who from October 1943 to 1945 was Chief of Branch 643 of Detachment
               731, directly supervised diverse research work on the bacteriological weapons most effective
               for military use and on methods of producing them on a mass scale.

                  "... I knew," accused Onoue testified, "that Detachment 731 was conducting research on,
               and mass production of, bacteria for use in bacteriological warfare against the Soviet Union. .
               . .

                  "Branch 643, which was under my charge, bred rodents and plague-carrying fleas, which
               were  consigned  to  Detachment  731,  where  they  were  used  for  the  manufacture  of
               bacteriological  weapons."  (Vol.  8,  p.  102.)  Under  the  direction  of  accused  Onoue,  the
               branch's  Training  Division  systematically  trained  special  personnel  for  bacteriological

                  In  1945,  with  the  object  of  covering  up  the  crimes  in  the  sphere  of  preparation  for
               bacteriological warfare, accused Onoue destroyed the equipment and all the documents of the
               branch. (Vol. 8, pp. 98 and 102-04.)

                  8. Sato Shunji was from 1941 to 1943 Chief of the Nami and Ei detachments, and from
               1944 onward, as Chief of the Medical Service of the 5th Army, which formed part of the
               Japanese Kwantung Army, he supervised the activities of Branch 643 of Detachment 731.

                  As Chief of the Nami and Ei detachments, accused Sato took an active part in research on,
               and production of, bacteriological weapons.

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