Page 24 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 24


                  This  is  established  both  by  Kikuchi's  own  admissions  and  by  the  testimony  of  Saito
               Masateru, Okada Mitsushige and other witnesses. (Vol. 19, pp. 11-15 and 25-27.)

                  12. Kurushima Yuji, after receiving special training in October 1944, served in Branch 162
               of Detachment 731 and, as a laboratory orderly in the 1st Section of the branch, took part in
               cultivating cholera, typhoid and other germs.

                  Kurushima  has  admitted  to  having  been  aware  that  Detachment  731  was  preparing  for
               bacteriological warfare and was manufacturing bacteriological weapons. (Vol. 20, pp. H-16.)

                  The accused Yamada Otozoo, Takahashi Takaatsu, Karasawa Tomio, Kawashima Kiyoshi,
               Onoue Masao, NishiToshihide, Hirazakura Zensaku, Sato Shunji, Mitomo Kazuo, Kikuchi
               Norimitsu  and  Kurushima  Yuji  have  fully  pleaded  guilty  to  the  charges  preferred  against

                  Accused Kajitsuka Ryuji has pleaded guilty in part.

                  Besides their own admissions, the guilt of all the accused in this case is established by
               abundant  testimony  of  witnesses,  documentary  evidence  and  the  findings  of  medicolegal

                  On the Basis of the Aforesaid:

                  1.  Yamada  Otozoo,  born  1881  in  the  city  of  Tokyo,  General,  formerly  Commander-in-
               Chief of the Japanese Kwantung Army;

                  2.  Kajitsuka  Ryuji,  born  1888  in  the  town  of  Tajiri,  physician  and  bacteriologist,
               Lieutenant General of the Medical Service, formerly Chief of the Medical Administration of
               the Japanese Kwantung Army;

                  3. Takahashi Takaatsu, born 1888 in the Prefecture of Akita, Yuri County, town of Honze,
               biological  chemist,  Lieutenant  General  of  the  Veterinary  Service,  formerly  Chief  of  the
               Veterinary Service of the Japanese Kwantung Army;

                  4. Kawashima Kiyoshi, born 1893 in the Prefecture of Chiba, Sanimu County, village of
               Hasunuma,  physician  and  bacteriologist,  Major  General  of  the  Medical  Service,  formerly
               Chief of the Production Division of Detachment 731 of the Japanese Kwantung Army;

                  5. Nishi Toshihide, born 1904 in the Prefecture of Kagoshima, Satsuma County, village of
               Hiwaki, physician and bacteriologist, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service, formerly
               Chief of the Training and Education Division of Detachment 731 of the Japanese Kwantung

                  6. Karasawa Tomio, born 1911 in the Prefecture of Nagano, Chisagata County, village of

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