Page 23 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 23

Later, as Chief of the Medical Service of the 5th Army, accused Sato actively assisted and
               supported Branch 643 in increasing its output of bacteriological material, and issued a special
               order to the troops of the 5th Army to procure rodents for this branch.

                  Interrogated as an accused person, Sato stated:

                  "As  Chief  of  Detachment  Ei  .  .  .  I  directed  the  detachment's  work  in  devising
               bacteriological weapons^ and producing them on a mass scale. For this purpose the Nanking
               Detachment Ei was supplied with high-capacity equipment and with bacteriological experts,
               and it produced lethal bacteria on a mass scale.

                  "Under my direction . . . the Training Division every year trained about 300 bacteriologists
               with the object of employing them in bacteriological warfare." (Vol. 9, pp. 150 and 154-57.)
               Apart from his own testimony, Sato is incriminated by

               the testimony of the accused Onoue, and of Mishina and other

               witnesses. (Vol. 2, p. 251; Vol. 17, pp. 59-64.)

                  9. Hirazakura Zensaku, who from July 1942 till Japan's surrender served in Detachment
               100, took an active part in research on, and the mass production of, bacteriological weapons
               for use in an attack on the Soviet Union.

                  In  1942-44,  accused  Hirazakura  headed  reconnoitring  and  sabotage  groups  made  up  of
               personnel  of  Detachment  100  and  repeatedly  took  part  in  special  reconnoitring  operations
               against  the  Soviet  Union  with  the  object  of  ascertaining  the  most  effective  means  of
               employing  bacteriological  weapons  against  the  U.S.S.R.  During  this  period,  he  also
               repeatedly  contaminated  water  sources  on  the  Soviet  border,  notably  in  the  Tryokhrechye
               area, as a sabotage move. (Vol. 18, pp. 89 and 93-96.)

                  10. Mitomo Kazuo served from April 1941 to 1944 in Detachment 100 and took an active
               part in the breeding of lethal bacteria for use in bacteriological warfare and sabotage against
               the Soviet Union.

                  Mitomo  himself  took  part  in  putting  prisoners  to  painful  death  by  testing  the  action  of
               various bacteriological weapons upon them.

                  In July and August 1942, as a member of a reconnoitring and sabotage group made up of
               personnel of Detachment 100, accused Mitomo took part in sabotage operations against the
               Soviet Union in the Tryokhrechye area. (Vol. 12, pp. 187and 191-93.)

                  11. Kikuchi Norimitsu served from April 1943 to August 1945 as a private in Branch 643
               of Detachment 731. From February 1944 to February 1945 Kikuchi was a laboratory assistant
               in the 1st Section of this branch and helped in the research work on bacteriological weapons
               by  cultivating  typhoid  and  dysentery  germs.  In  June  1945  Kikuchi  took  a  bacteriological
               course at the classes of Detachment 731, where personnel for bacteriological warfare were

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