Page 30 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 30

Kwantung Gendarmerie and the Japanese Military Missions which were subordinated to me.

                  The sending of prisoners to be experimented on, or the so-called "special consignments,"
               was  also  sanctioned  by  one  of  my  predecessors,  Ueda  or  Umezu.  I  did  not  cancel  this
               sanction either, and the established system of "special consignments" continue-d to operate
               while I was in command.-I do not know how many people were killed as a result of these
               experiments as I did not enquire.

                  As regards the training of special cadres to be employed in using bacteriological weapons,
               I must say that such cadres were indeed trained by detachments 731 and 100. As these cadres
               became  trained  they  were  distributed  among  the  branches  of  the  afore-mentioned
               detachments and among the units and formations of the Kwantung Army. These cadres were
               to be used in wartime for the formation of special bacteriological combat units, which were to
               use bacteriological weapons. I do not know how many of these cadres were trained, but I
               believe  that  their  number  was  quite  sufficient  for  the  practical  employment  of  means  of
               bacteriological warfare. •

                  When hostilities broke out in August 1945, in conformity with my orders, bacteriological
               detachments 731 and 100, and their branches, were completely liquidated with the object of
               wiping out the traces of the preparations that had been made for conducting bacteriological
               warfare. The personnel of the afore-mentioned detachments were withdrawn to Korea.

                  Question: How was it intended practically to employ bacteriological weapons against the
               Soviet Union in the event of the outbreak of hostilities?

                  Answer:  Questions  concerning  the  employment  of  bacteriological  weapons  were  not
               included in plans of operation. However, in connection with the preparations that were being
               made  for  using  bacteriological  weapons,  these  questions  were  studied  by  the  Operations
               Division of Headquarters.

                  I, as Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army, was of the opinion that, in the event of
               the outbreak of hostilities against the Soviet Union, bacteriological weapons ought to be used
               against the Soviet Union with the aid of aircraft with the object of infecting the rear districts
               of the Soviet Union, and by means of sabotage measures to be conducted by Detachment 100.

                  If  hostilities  against  the  Soviet  Union  had  not  broken  out,  the  bacteriological  weapons
               could have been used against the U.S.A. and other countries.

                  Question: With what object were the 97th and 3rd infantry regiments formed?

                  Answer: I do not know anything about the existence of these regiments among the units
               under my command.

                  Question: With what object was Ishii reappointed to Detachment 731 in 1945?

                  Answer: Detachment 731 was of Ishii's making, and that is why he was reappointed chief

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