Page 32 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 32

Answer: Yes, I understand.

                  Question: Do you plead guilty to the charge brought against you in conformity with the
               order of December 5, 1949, of which you have been informed?

                  Answer: I plead guilty to the charge brought against me, except that part which accuses me
               of having directly guided the activities of Detachment 731 in making, testing and employing
               bacteriological weapons, as that work was directly guided by the chiefs of Detachment 731,
               Ishii and Kitano.

                  Question: To what, concretely, do you plead guilty?

                  Answer: Concretely, I plead guilty to the fact that, having shared since 1931 the idea of
               Ishii  Shiro  that  Japan  must  prepare  to  conduct  bacteriological  warfare,  I,  as  head  of  the
               Sanitary Division of the Medical Administration of the Japanese Ministry for War from 1934
               to 1937, took an active part in forming within the Kwantung Army a special unit, Detachment
               731, for the purpose of devising bacteriological weapons and for antiepidemic work, and also
               in  supplying  that  detachment  with  specialists  in  these  lines,  and  helping  to  secure  the
               appointment of Ishii Shiro, one of the ideologists of bacteriological warfare, to the post of
               Chief of Detachment 731. Being, from December 1939 to August 1945, Chief of the Medical
               Administration of the Kwantung Army, I exercised general direction of the scientific research
               work conducted by Detachment 731 for the comprehensive study and cultivation of bacteria,
               for the study of insect disseminators of epidemic diseases, for the study of little-investigated
               epidemic diseases, and for devising the most effective means and methods of healing and
               preventing epidemic diseases.

                  I also admit that Detachment 731 conducted scientific research not only for antiepidemic
               purposes, but also for the purpose of devising, making and testing bacteriological .weapons;
               but  the  work  of  making,  testing  and  practically  employing  bacteriological  weapons  was
               conducted under the direct guidance of the chiefs of Detachment 731, Ishii and Kitano. In this
               work, Ishii and Kitano were guided by the orders of the Operations Division of the Kwantung
               Army Headquarters and of the Japanese General Staff.

                  I  knew  about  the  experiments  conducted  by  Detachment  731  in  devising  and  testing
               bacteriological  weapons,  and  in  devising  means  and  methods  of  healing  and  preventing
               epidemic diseases, and I knew that these experiments were performed on living people.

                  Concerning  the  results  of  the  experiments  in  testing  bacteriological  weapons,  and  the
               practical  employment  by  Detachment  731  of  bacteriological  weapons  against  the  Chinese
               Army and the local Chinese population in 1940-42, a verbal report was submitted to me by
               the Chief of Detachment 731, Kitano. Concerning the results of experiments in devising the
               most  effective  means  and  methods  of  healing  epidemic  diseases  and  in  studying  little-
               investigated  epidemic  diseases,  and  concerning  freezing  experiments,  the  chiefs  of
               Detachment 731, Ishii and Kitano, periodically submitted to me written reports.

                  I  took  a  direct  part  in  forming,  in  1940,  along  the  frontier  of  the  Soviet  Union,  four
               branches of Detachment 731: in Hailin, Linkow, Sunyu and Hailar; I supplied Detachment

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