Page 33 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 33

731 and its branches with equipment and other technical appliances, and trained cadres for
               conducting bacteriological warfare.

                  I  also  admit  that  Japan  prepared  to  conduct  bacteriological  warfare  chiefly  against  the
               Soviet Union, the Mongolian People's Republic and China, and also against England and the
               United States of America.

                  Question: Tell us, what do you know about the freezing experiments that were performed
               by Detachment 731?

                  Answer: I know that Detachment 731 performed freezing experiments for the purpose of
               devising the most effective means and methods of healing frostbite. Concerning the results of
               these experiments the Chief of Detachment 731 submitted to me written reports in which it
               was stated that freezing experiments were made on animals.

                  Question:  We  will  read  to  you  the  evidence  of  witnesses:  that  of  Oosawa  Matsuo  of
               October 23, 1949, and of Furuichi Yoshio of December 5, 1949, to the effect that Detachment
               731 performed freezing experiments on living people. Do you confirm the evidence of these

                  Answer:  I  cannot  deny  the  evidence  read  to  me  of  the  witnesses  Oosawa  Matsuo  and
               Furuichi Yoshio on the question of the freezing experiments on living people conducted by
               Detachment  731,  because  Detachment  731  did  perform  freezing  experiments,  and  the
               researcher of the 1st Division of Detachment 731 Yoshimura, to whom the witness Furuichi
               refers in his evidence, sent me written reports about the freezing experiments he performed
               and  their  results.  But  in  his  reports  Yoshimura  did  not  say  that  these  experiments  were
               performed on human beings.

                  Question:  And  so,  you  took  part  in  forming  Detachment  731  and  its  branches,  which
               engaged  in  devising,  making  and  testing  bacteriological  weapons  intended  for  war  chiefly
               against  the  Soviet  Union,  the  Mongolian  People's  Republic  and  China,  and  also  against
               England and the United States; you knew about the experiments Detachment 731 performed
               on  human  beings  in  testing  bacteriological  weapons,  and  you  trained  cadres  for
               bacteriological warfare?

                  Answer: Yes, that is so.

                  This record of my statements is correct and was read to me in Japanese.



                 Military Prosecutor; Member of the staff

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