Page 37 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 37

Lieutenant Hirazakura for the purpose of investigating the possibility of infecting cattle in the
               districts of North Khingan Province. I received no comments on the report from Yamada, and
               I believe he approved the report.

                  In February 1945 I made a third report to General Yamada about the work Detachment 100
               was doing in making bacteriological weapons. It was a very brief report. I informed him that
               the work was continuing as before, and that there had been no change. I did not receive any
               special instructions from Yamada on this report.

                  Question: Who financed the work of Detachment 100, and how?

                  Answer: The detachment was financed from two sources: the Japanese Ministry for War
               assigned funds for the maintenance of the personnel of Detachment 100 and for preparing
               substances for prophylactical work in the Kwantung Army.

                  Money for devising and making bacteriological weapons was provided out of the secret
               funds of Headquarters of the Kwantung Army through the 2nd Intelligence Division.

                  Question: What sum was assigned for these needs?

                  Answer: I wejl remember that for the period April I, 1944, to April 1, 1945, the Japanese
               Ministry for War assigned for the maintenance of the personnel of Detachment 100 and for
               preparing  prophylactical  substances  the  sum  of  600,000  yen.  For  devising  and  making
               bacteriological weapons, the 2nd Division of Headquarters of the Kwantung Army assigned
               for the same period the sum of 1,000,000 yen. This sum did not limit us in the least, however,
               for  if  necessity  demanded,  all  the  money  requested  would  have  been  granted.  What  sums
               were granted before 1944, I do not remember.

                  Question:  What  do  you  know  about  the  activities  of  Detachment  731  in  preparing  to
               conduct bacteriological warfare?

                  Answer: In September 1941, former Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army, Umezu,
               stated at a conference of chiefs of divisions and administrations of the Army Headquarters
               that  orders  had  been  received  from  the  General  Staff  of  Imperial  Headquarters  that  the
               Kwantung  Army  prepare  to  conduct  bacteriological  warfare.  At  this  conference  Umezu
               ordered  the  Chief  of  Detachment  731,  Ishii,  to  start  the  mass  production  of  the  germs  of
               infectious diseases. From that time onwards I knew that Detachment 731 was preparing to
               conduct bacteriological warfare.

                  Question:  Who  directed  the  practical  work  of  Detachment  731  in  preparing  to  conduct
               bacteriological warfare?

                  Answer:  In  September  1941,  Commander-in-Chief  Umezu  imposed  the  function  of
               directing  and  supervising  the  practical  work  of  Detachment  731  in  preparing  to  conduct
               bacteriological warfare upon Chief of the Medical Service of the Kwantung Army, Kajitsuka.

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