Page 43 - Unit 731
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… sprayed with the bacteria by a flight flying low, an experimental subject was jailed in a room in a Yersinia pestis experiment, who would be infected for 30% to 100% with at least 60% death rate.
                 In an explosion experiment using UJI ceramic bombs with a detonating cord in which fleas were mixed with sand, approximately 80% of fleas were still alive after the explosion. In a 10-m  room of
                 ten experimental subjects, eight were infected by flea bites in an explosion experiment, and six of them died eventually. 8
               Unit 731 also filled bombs with anthrax, Yersinia pestis, and glandes bacteria.
                  The Inglis Report states:
                 … tied experimental subjects wearing helmet and body armour on stakes, and detonated Ishii ceramic germ bombs by both throwing and placing at particular places. In one experiment, of 15 living
                 humans as experimental subjects, six were killed by the explosion, four were injured and infected with anthrax. These four infected persons died later. In another experiment of Ishii ceramic germ
                 bombs, of ten people, four died of respiratory infection who were located at distance of 25 m from the explosion spot. 9
               Unit 731 also used animals such as horses, cows, and sheep in field experiments. The Thompson Reports states: ‘… in an experiment of germ bombs
               placed 15m height from the ground, a bomb was detonated. Animals were grazing downwind for one to two hours, and almost 70% of horses and 90% of
               sheep died’. 10

               Detailed Report: Frostbite Experiment
               Unit  731  specially  established  the  Frostbite  Studies  Section  and  the  Frostbite  Laboratory  to  conduct  experiments,  produce  dried  bacteria,  and  study
               prevention and treatment methods of frostbite.
                  Materials, such as ‘On Frostbite Experiment’, an article by Hisato Yoshimura, head of the Frostbite Studies Section, have been found and publicised,
               and the entire process of frostbite experiment has also been publicly disclosed.  According to the article, it was identified that data presented by Hisato
               Yoshimura was based on human experiments. Hisato Yoshimura was not put on trial after the Second World War, but published The Gist of Medical
               Physiology and The Theory of pH and its Examination Method based on his research experiences and data obtained in Unit 731, attaining high social status
               in the Japanese medical field and serving in public positions, including as vice-chancellor of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.
                  Gokuhi Chūmōgun Tōki Eisei Kenkyū Seiseki (Highly Confidential Results of Hygiene Research in Winter by Mongolia Garrison Army) was released in
               Japan in the 1990s, further confirming parts of the historical facts that not only was Unit 731 involved in frostbite experiments, but several other Epidemic
               Prevention and Water Purification Departments of the Japanese military also actively participated in this war crime (see Fig. 19).
                  According  to  Gokuhi  Chūmōgun  Tōki  Eisei  Kenkyū  Seiseki,  in  March  1941,  the  Epidemic  Prevention  and  Water  Purification  Department  of  the
               Northern China Area Army and the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Mongolia Garrison Army jointly conducted frostbite
               experiments in the field at west Sonid in Xilingol League. Eight Chinese subjects were used for the experiment: Chun Liu (aged twenty-seven), Chun Pan
               (aged twenty-two), Fu Gao (aged thirty-three), Guan Xia (aged fifteen), Bai Gao (aged forty-nine), Gui Hao (aged thirty-five), Yi Zhang (aged twenty-one),
               and Yuan Chen (aged thirty-eight). Either their surname or given name were intentionally hidden by the Japanese military.
                  Records show the aim of this experiment was ‘investigation for hygienic demand during the cold period when fighting on Inner Mongolia grassland and
               for the next battle’. It was jointly organised by various Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Departments of the Japanese military. In the process of
               the  human  frostbite  experiment,  they  observed  pathological  changes  and  related  characteristics  at  intervals,  recorded  corresponding  data,  and  took
               photographs on site for better documentation of results (see Figures 20 and 21). 12
                  Detailed data on frostbite experiments was contained in this information. From the record:
                 From 6:30 to 9:30 on February 6, 1941, the outside temperature is minus 24 to 27 degrees. Wind speed was five meters per second. Human subjects were placed supine on stretchers in order to observe
                 their frostbite situation. The Japanese army divided them into five types: those in bare hands, in wet socks or wet gloves, and those wearing smaller military boots. Some subjects were over-drinking,
                 fasting or had been given atropine.  The following conclusions were reached:
                   1. Bare hands: frostbite occurred within 5 to 25 minutes.
                   2. Used gloves: frostbite occurred after 20 minutes, some occurred after 3 hours.
                   3. Wore military boots: frostbite occurred after 1 hour.
                   4. Used anti-cold shoe: frostbite occurred after 1.5 hours, but most occurred after 3 hours.
                   5. Wore wet gloves and wet socks: frostbite occurred 50% faster than in dry conditions. Frostbite of hands happened faster than of feet. It might be because of the anti-cold shoes.
                   6. Wore too small military boots: frostbite occurred 50% less than with normal size boots.
                   7. Frostbite happened slower than bare hands (25 minutes) and with wet socks (1 hour 40 minutes) during fasting condition. It is not understandable.
                   8. Frostbite happened slower than bare hands (30 minutes) with wet socks (20 minutes) and with anti-cold shoes and socks (1 hour) during drunk condition. It varied by person.
                   9. Took 5 units of atropine before frostbite experiment, frostbite occurred 1.5 hours with temperature of minus 14 degrees with wind speed of 0.7 meters per second and bare hands. When in bare
                 feet, frostbite occurred in toes after 35 minutes.
                   10. For frostbite treatment, it took 25 minutes to 2 hours for friction. To apply friction on frostbite, cloths were used for friction to make the skin red, soft and warm. After the first treatment, there
                 will be blisters within 8 hours and bigger blisters within 24 hours. 14
               After the eight Chinese subjects were tortured in frostbite experiments, they suffered vivisection and the Japanese Army photographed the victims during
               this. Recognition was made of the victims for ‘giving their lives to contribute to medical advances for humanity’.
               Poison Gas Experiments on Humans
               The bacterial and vivisection experiments conducted by Unit 731 are known to the public; however, poison gas experiments are little known. I visited the
               National  Archives  and  Records  Administration  II  and  read  the  record:  Unit  731  established  laboratories  for  poison  gases  replete  with  departments  of
               research,  production,  experiments,  and  prevention.  The  laboratories  defined  different  types  of  poison  gases  and  tested  and  produced  gas  masks  and
               protective suits.
                  The  Ishii-style  poison  gas  analyser,  Ishii-style  anti-poison  gas  medicine,  and  Ishii-style  testing  paper  and  disinfectants  for  poison  gas  were
               simultaneously invented at these laboratories. Based upon the large number of gas masks left in the former site of Unit 731, as well as the size of gas
               laboratories and gas storage rooms and also the official records in the US, Unit 731 was not a secret agency dedicated solely to bacterial warfare research, it
               was concerned with research on poisonous weapon invention at the same time (see Fig. 22).
               Diary of Lt-Gen. Endo, Vice-Chief of Staff of the Kanto Army
               Unit 731 conducted large-scale poison gas experiments, and used vivisection during that process and during poison gas weapons production. The earliest
               human poison gas experiment took place in 1933.
                  In Shogun no yuigon: Endo Saburo nikki, Miyataki writes:
                 On October 16, Thursday, sunny. At 8:30 am, Colonel Ando and Lieutenant Colonel Tachibara and I went for observation at the experimental field of transportation division. The second class were
                 experiments on poisonous gases and venom. The first class was experiment with electricity. Each class used two ‘thieves’ in the experiments. The people were experimented on in the gas laboratory,
                 one was treated with phosgene (poisonous gas) for five minutes and was infected with pneumonia. The subject’s life was in danger, even more serious than yesterday, although there were still signs of
                 life. Another one was injected with 15 ml of potassium cyanate and passed out after about 20 minutes. 15
               Report of Human Experimentation Using Poison Gas Discovered in Japan
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