Page 149 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 149

made  us  burn  everything,  even  photos  of  our  families  that  we  had
                      carried with us. So we don't remember names or faces.

                Nurse attached to Unit 731 (Akama Masako)

                [Akama went to Unit 731 as a nurse attached to the maternity section. Her
                husband  and  uncle  were  also  in  the  unit,  and  her  cousin  worked  in  the
                boiler room, making four family members connected with 731.

                      She went back to China in recent years to apologize for the deeds of
                Unit 731. She met with the wife of a man who had been tortured and then
                sent to Unit 731, where he was sacrificed in the experiments. His name was

                found  in  old  municipal  records,  and  his  crime  was  listed  as  transmitting
                anti-occupation information by wireless radio.
                      At  her  appearance  before  some  one  thousand  people  in  Takatsuki,
                Osaka Prefecture, Akama spoke with difficulty, the result of advanced age
                and poor physical condition. She advised her listeners that this was the last

                time she would appear before an audience.]
                      With the syphilitic mothers, the doctor in charge of our team delivered
                the  maruta  babies  himself  instead  of  having  the  nurses  do  it,  as  would
                normally be the case. At that time, he would order me to stop the blood
                flow from the mother to the baby. The doctor would take a sample of the

                blood, then I would let small quantities of blood flow intermittently, as he
                took successive samples. The test tubes were all lined up on the shelf. He
                was  checking  to  determine  the  intensity  of  the  syphilis  transmitted  from
                mother to child, and the progression of the disease from the time of birth.

                      A  researcher  came  running  in,  screaming  that  some  maruta  had
                escaped. They were caught by the Special Forces. That was the team under
                Ishii Shiro's brother, Ishii Takeo. Only someone who could be trusted was
                admitted to that team. They shot the escapees.

                      When it came time to evacuate, we got into a train and left the unit

                headquarters.  It  was  a  long  train,  maybe  twenty  or  thirty  cars.  A  soldier
                came running to me and said that a baby was going to be born in a freight
                car at the end of the train. We ran back through the cars. The wife of one of
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