Page 154 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 154


                      This  is  not  easy  for  me  to  speak  about,  but  it  is  something  I  must
                confess. What I did was wrong. It is also true that it was forced on me by
                the  government,  but  that  does  not  reduce  the  size  of  my  crime.  It  is
                something  that  happened  a  long  time  ago,  but  those  who  are  not  taught
                about the war are ill-educated.

                      A short while ago, the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Japan
                stated  that  Japanese  aggression  in  China  created  twenty  million  [dead]
                victims.  He  later  retracted  that  statement.  There  was  no  need  for  the
                retraction. The statement was true.

                      The  Japanese  army  went  to  plunder  and  steal  materials  and  to  kill.
                Japan  wanted  iron,  coal,  and  provisions,  and  the  army  drove  into  the
                mountains to prosecute the war. At the time, the Japanese used derogatory
                terms for the Chinese, like "Chinaman" and "Chink," and looked at them
                with contempt. When I was a child, we were told to despise the Chinese,
                despise the Koreans. "It's all right to conquer them. We have become elite,

                and should join with the Americans and British and conquer Asia." I hated
                war and killing, but around middle school and into college, I began to think
                that such ideas were unavoidable.

                      I was born into a doctor's family with a practice in our area. With the
                good fortune of that background, I graduated medical school. I wanted to
                serve in some village that had no doctor, or work in medical research, but
                circumstances did not permit it.
                      In  1941,  I  became  a  doctor  and  specialized  in  infectious  diseases.  I

                believed  that  under  the  emperor  we  were  the  greatest  country  in  Asia.  I
                became an army officer, different from ordinary people. I was proud to be
                under direct control of the emperor, and I was taught that if I believed in the
                emperor, my own happiness would come as an extension of that.

                      Some 1,700 or 1,800 of us from the Thirty-sixth Regiment in Iwate
                received training in hygiene, and in February 1942, we were sent overseas.
                Reflecting on it now brings the crime back to mind.
                      I  was  assigned  to  the  army  hospital  in  the  southern  part  of  Shanxi

                Province in China.
                      Why here? What was the purpose in carrying the war this deep into the
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