Page 153 - Unit 731 Testimony
P. 153

The  American  navy  was  attacked  at  Pearl  Harbor,  and  the  Japanese
                thought it was a victorious strike. Yet, within two years, America had built
                up  its  naval  strength  again.  America  is  a  machine  society.  But

                bacteriological warfare does not rely on machinery. So Ishii's idea was to
                kill  all  the  attacking  Russians  with  disease.  Once  killed,  troops  are  not
                rebuilt  like  machinery.  The  Japanese  army  promised  Chinese  children
                money for bringing in rats, but later gave them a pencil for every rat. The
                end  purpose  of  all  this  effort  was  war.  In  war,  the  side  who  kills  more
                people wins. Bacteria can kill on a large scale, so Ishii pressed this forward.

                      Former kenpeitai buddies and I used to meet to drink, and we would
                talk about the war days. But nobody ever spoke about sending people to
                Unit 731. And of course the children were never told. I knew that what we
                did was wrong and did not want to tell my family about it. Then, one day, I
                called my family together—children and grandchildren—and told them that

                I was going to testify about what I did during the war. The was the first time
                I said anything about it. Overcoming my reluctance to speak that first time
                made it possible for me to tell my story repeatedly.
                      I was reading the impressions written down by visitors to one of these

                Unit 731 exhibits. A thirteen-year-old girl wrote, "I apologize for the people
                killed by the Japanese."
                      And  a  nineteen-year-old  boy  wrote,  "The  government  spends  all  its
                time talking about low-level matters. If we keep going this way, the same

                situation will happen again."
                      People  criticize  the  youth  of  today  for  spending  their  time  reading
                comic  books  and  watching  TV;  grownups  accuse  them  of  not  knowing
                what's going on in the world. But, they are aware. They know what's going

                on. And the grownups had better be aware, also.
                      We kenpeitai men sent three thousand people to their deaths in Unit
                731. I pray for the repose of their souls.

                Army doctor (Yuasa Ken)

                [This is a "composite" speech edited from several different talks given by
                the speaker. Yuasa spoke at several exhibitions around Japan in 1993 and
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