20世纪中国近代史学科体系问题的探索 张海鹏(29)
论国共重庆谈判的政治性质 邓 野 (35)
1946年沈崇事件:南京政府的对策 左双文(39)
贵州企业公司研究(1939—1949) 莫子刚(33)
蒋介石、张学良与中东路事件之交涉 杨奎松(51)
——从“梁颜政争”看20世纪20年代初期北京政府的外交运作 陈 雁 (24)
救时的偏方:戊戌变法期间司员士民上书中军事外交论 茅海建 (50)
——《毛泽东著述编年索引》校勘略记 周一平(36)
南京参议院议员人数与《临时约法》的效力 刘劲松(7)
“北洋时期的中国外交”国际学术讨论会综述 金光耀 郭秋香(7)
“孙中山与中国现代化”学术研讨会在武汉召开 (1)
“太平天国与中国农民问题”学术研讨会在南京召开 (1)
读者来信 谢本书(1)
本期执行编辑:徐秀丽 技术编辑:曾学白
20世纪中国近代史学科体系问题的探索 张海鹏
[关键词]中国近代史学科体系 革命史范式 现代化范式 半殖民地半封建社会
论国共重庆谈判的政治性质 邓 野
[关键词]重庆谈判 联合政府 参加政府
1946年沈崇事件:南京政府的对策 左双文
[关键词]沈崇事件 南京政府 对策
贵州企业公司研究(1939—1949) 莫子刚
[关键词]贵州 贵州企业公司 下属单位 经济建设
蒋介石、张学良与中东路事件之交涉 杨奎松
[关键词]中东路事件 蒋介石 张学良 “革命外交” 苏联政府
——从梁颜政争看20世纪20年代初期北京政府的外交运作 陈 雁
[关键词]梁颜政争 派系政治 外交运作
救时的偏方:戊戌变法期间司员士民上书中军事外交论 茅海建
[关键词]戊戌变法 上书 军事改革 外交改革
Modern Chinese History Studies
Probing the Structure of the 20th Century Field of Modern Chinese History
Zhang Haipeng (1)
As an important branch of 20th century Chinese historiography, modern Chinese history is the product of modern China’s social and academic transformations. Built upon the explorations and disputes of several generations of scholars, the field has established the 110 years of semi-colonialism and semi-feudalism in Chinese history as its object of research. This recognition was attained under the direction of basic Marxist principles. It is based on research into modern China’s socio-economic forms and the nature of its society, and is a scientific problematic which accords with modern China’s historical process. There are certain benefits to using theories of modernization to study modern Chinese history. However, simply replacing “revolutionary history” with “modernization” is not necessarily the correct direction for our thinking. The epochal keynote of modern China was revolution. The politics, economy, military affairs, intellectual culture, social transformations, foreign relations, regional development, problems of minority nationalities, and conditions of class struggles in modern China were all related to the revolutionary process to a greater or lesser extent. It is only under the guidance of “revolutionary history,” by adopting at the same time the perspective of “modernization,” and by paying more attention to socio-economic development and transformation and their effects on the revolutionary process, that the field of modern Chinese history can bring “revolutionary history” closer to perfection. This is what we must strive for now.
On the Political Nature of the Chongqing Negotiations between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party Deng Ye (30)
In its political aspect, the Chongqing Negotiations were a confrontation between the Guomindang and the CCP over the issue of united government versus one-party politics. Since the United States of America and the Soviet Union had separately recognized the Nationalist Government as China’s only legal government at the end of the Sino-Japanese War, and separately decided that the Guomindang should recover the Japanese occupied areas, the balance of power between the Guomindang and the CCP had changed, and the existing process for regulating their relations had been disrupted. Under these conditions, the Chongqing negotiations were based politically on the CCP’s withdrawal of the goal of united government, and centered around the theme of the CCP’s surrender of the liberated areas. In the end, both parties had gains and losses. The expression of the political nature of the Chongqing negotiations was that the “United Government” slogan’s push forward suffered a serious political setback. The reputation of the Chongqing negotiations does not correspond with its historical status.
The Shen Chong Incident of 1946: The Nanjing Nationalist Government’s Policies
Zuo Shuangwen (65)
After it broke out, launched and supported by the Chinese Communist Party, the Shen Chong Incident quickly developed into a nationwide anti-American and anti-government political movement. On the surface, it was a protest by students and all parts of society against the outrages of the U.S. Army, and a reprimand to the government. But in reality it was a political struggle between the Guomindang and the CCP, and a serious contest for the will of the people. Faced with this incident, Chiang Kai-shek personally took charge of deciding the strategies for handling it, and used all of his political resources, including party, government, military, law enforcement, military police and intelligence resources. However, these measures did not attain satisfactory results. On the contrary, a seemingly random incident grew into a serious political disaster for the Nanjing Nationalist Government.
A Study of Guizhou Corporation, 1939-1949 Mo Zigang (104)
Chiang Kai-shek, Zhang Xueliang and the Negotiations over the Zhongdong Railway Incident Yang Kuisong (137)
In 1929 the young and vigorous Zhang Xueliang took advantage of the Nanjing Nationalist Government’s promotion of “Revolutionary Diplomacy,” and provoked the Zhongdong Railway Incident with the aim of forcefully recovering China’s lawful rights in the management of the railway. Zhang’s actions received strong support from Chiang Kai-shek and the Nanjing Nationalist Government, and Chiang hoped to use this chance to recover all rights over the railroad. The Soviet Union did not hesitate to respond with military action, citing the stipulations of the 1924 Sino-Russian and Fengtian-Russian Treaties for justification. Chiang, on the other hand, relied on diplomacy and hoped to keep the Soviet Union in check by gaining the support of the great powers. But unexpectedly, most of the foreign governments opposed China’s action. Finally, the Soviet Union mounted a large-scale offensive, and the Northeastern Border Guards incurred serious losses, and Zhang Xueliang was forced to sign a separate peace agreement with the Soviet Union. Though the Nanjing Government was not satisfied with this step, Chiang had to recognize it out of concern over gradually mounting anti-Chiang unrest.
Diplomacy, Foreign Debt and Factions: Looking at the Beijing Government’sDiplomatic Operations in the Early 1920s through the lens of the “PoliticalStruggle between Liang Shiyi and Yan Huiqing” Chen Yan(188)
The Beijing Government period was an important period in the formation of the modern Chinese diplomatic system. During this period, a group of professional diplomats composed mainly of returned overseas students was active in Beijing diplomatic circles, and considered themselves to be “independent” and “detached.” However, in the factional struggle and warlord warfare-filled 1920s, to what extent could they master and control China’s diplomatic policies and practices, and maintain their independence? In the “Anti-Liang (Shiyi) Disturbance” and the “Political Struggle between Liang Shiyi and Yan Huiqing,” both of which arose out of the Shangdong problem during the Washington Conference, Yan not only took the initiative to draw Liang into the diplomatic vortex, but also cleverly used the warlords in a “telegram war” to overthrow the Liang cabinet. Successfully taking advantage of factional struggles in this political disturbance, Yan not only won for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the right to negotiate over the Qingdao-Ji’nan Railway, but also raised his status in diplomatic circles and on the political stage. It is clear that although the Chinese diplomats of the 1920s outwardly flew the banner of independence and neutrality, in the cultural environment of factional politics they always had to depend on informal social relations and informal institutional arrangements to help achieve diplomatic goals, and even actively joined in factional struggles. When they were drawn deeply into the vortex of power struggles, and when they had more and more passionate interest in power themselves, their “independence” and the “system” could be put aside and sacrificed.
Folk Remedies to Save the Nation: Opinions on Military and Diplomatic Affairs in Memorials Submitted by Middle and Lower Rank Officials, Intellectuals and Common People during the Reform Movement of 1898 Mao Haijian (212)
A Mediocre Chronology of Mao Zedong’s Manuscripts: Chronological Index of Mao Zedong’s Writings Zhou Yiping (262)
The Number of Senators in the Nanjing Senate and its Effect on the Temporary Law
Liu Jingsong (298)
Summary of the International Seminar on “China’s Diplomacy during the Beiyang Period” Jin Guangyao, Guo Qiuxiang (305)
Seminar on “Sun Yat-sen and China’s Modernization” held in Wuhan (312)
Seminar on “The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Chinese Peasant Question”held in Nanjing (313)
A Reader’s Letter Xie Benshu (314)
近代史研究 第1期 2005年 总第145期 1月出版
责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:44:06
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