
2020-10-07 17:31:33   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:




  建国前后中国共产党对资产阶级政策的演变 杨奎松(1)

  民国时期婚姻行为研究——以“五普”长表数据库为基础的分析 王跃生(26)

  黄遵宪《日本国志》延迟行世原因解析 李长莉(45)

  从改善民生、革新行政到议员政府、普及教育——蒯光典政治思想述论 严寿澂(65)

  1920-1930年代国家主义派之内在文化理路 敖光旭(90)

  基督新教传教士与中国盲文体系的演进 郭卫东(110)

  统制经济与国营贸易——太平洋战争爆发后复兴商业公司的经营活动 郑会欣(125)


  “中国近代史上的民族主义”学术研讨会侧记 贾小叶(150)

  “近代中国社会群体与经济组织”国际学术研讨会述评 郑成林 魏文享 (154)


  建国前后中国共产党对资产阶级政策的演变  杨奎松



  民国时期婚姻行为研究——以“五普”长表数据库为基础的分析  王跃生


  [关键词]初婚年龄 夫妇婚龄差异 民国时期 “五普”数据

  黄遵宪《日本国志》延迟行世原因解析  李长莉


  [关键词]黄遵宪 《日本国志》 中日关系 李鸿章 总理衙门

  从改善民生、革新行政到议员政府、普及教育——蒯光典政治思想述论  严寿澂


  [关键词]蒯光典 现实感 定则例 议员政府 普及教育

  1920-1930年代国家主义派之内在文化理路  敖光旭


  [关键词]国家主义派 文化保守主义 文化激进主义 内在文化理路

  基督新教传教士与中国盲文体系的演进  郭卫东


  [关键词]传教士 康熙盲字 大卫·希尔法 心目克明

  统制经济与国营贸易——太平洋战争爆发后复兴商业公司的经营活动  郑会欣


  [关键词]复兴商业公司 贸易委员会 统制经济 统购统销 国营贸易

  “中国近代史上的民族主义”学术研讨会侧记  贾小叶

  “近代中国社会群体与经济组织”国际学术研讨会述评  郑成林 魏文享


  Modern Chinese History Studies 2006, No.2

  The Evolution of the Chinese Communist Party’s Policy toward the Bourgeoisie before

  and after the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China

  Yang Kuisong (1)

  Regarding the bourgeoisie as class enemies is the Communists’ established ideological requirement. However, the democratic nature of the Chinese revolution required that the Party carry out an united front policy toward the bourgeoisie. Before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, this kind of contradiction inevitably became a difficult problem bothering the Communists. In fact, since the CCP began to occupy cities on a large scale at the end of 1947, the Central Committee of the CCP had started to make a conscious effort to strengthen its class line. At the Political Bureau conference held in September 1948, Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi clearly stated: after gaining political power over the whole country, the main contradiction within China would be the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. But in fact, the Communists still had to make accommodations to the contrasts of power in the economic field, and continue its policy of unity with the bourgeoisie over the next several years, until the outbreak of the “Three Antis” and “Five Antis” movements.

  A Study of Marriage Practices in Republican China: An Analysis Based on the “Fifth Population Census” Wang Yuesheng (26)

  In 1930s and 1940s, marriage practices surrounding age of first marriage and age difference between spouses still maintained a strong traditional flavor. There was no clear difference between marriages in cities and in rural areas. Why did marriage deviate from the development of the society in general? The main reason is that Republican China’s marriage law did not truly restrict—not to mention eliminate—the existing practice of parents arranging their children’s marriages in both cities and rural areas. However, looking at the country as a whole, the ratio of extremely early marriages with couples under the age of 14 and marriages of older wives and younger husbands was not very high.

  The Reason for Delaying Publication of Huang Zunxian’s Annals of Japan

  Li Changli (45)

  The 8-year delay between the completion and publication of Huang Zunxian’s Annals of Japan is one of the modern Chinese literary world’s historical regrets. Through studies of two newly found documents and other historical data, we can conclude that the person who was primarily responsible for the delay was Li Hongzhang. His negative assessment of Huang Zunxian and Annals of Japan exerted a negative influence on officials of the Zongli Yamen. Secondarily, blame should be put on the stupidity and ignorance of officials of the Zongli Yamen, who did not attach importance to the book and did not publish it. Of course, the fundamental reason was the literati system of bureaucratic imperial power. Its mechanisms ideological control and speech restriction made Huang Zunxian’s Annals of Japan get a cold reception among high officials at court, who rejected the book because of its ideological orientation towards drawing on Japan’s experience and initiating political reform and self-strengthening. Huang Zunxian did his best to publish the book through official channels, but failed. This fact indicates that during this period of crisis, when our nation was facing catastrophe, the rigidity, closedness and conservatism of the Qing literati system of bureaucratic imperial power smothered the knowledge and intellectual resources that had developed inside the system to face the changed situation, and caused irreparable damage to state interests and the fate of the nation.

  From Improving the People’s Welfare and Reforming Administration to Parliamentary Government and Universal Education: The Political Thought of Kuai Guangdian

  Yan Shoucheng (65)

  In wave of reform of the late Qing, Kuai Guangdian was a pragmatic man with a strong sense of reality, quite unlike Kang Youwei and others who emphasized theory. His political thought can be divided into two periods. His early political views focused on improving people’s welfare and reforming administration, and in the late period, he emphasized parliamentary government and making education universal. As to people’s welfare, he advocated lightening the burden of peasants and having political power withdraw from commerce. As to administrative reform, he was an advocate of “setting regulations”, i.e. that administrative management must be open and transparent. He clearly knew that the most important thing in statecraft is mutual checks and balances between government and the people. Finally through his rich experience as an official and following his trips to Europe he realized that the best choice for governing China was a British-style parliamentary government, with universal education and medical care, a system which he thought totally conformed to the age-old Confucian ideal of humanity. The purpose of education, he emphasized, should be to cultivate the whole population rather than produce a class of elites, and the contents of education should not be a single doctrine, but rather basic and scientific knowledge. These views obviously went quite beyond those traditionally held by Confucian scholar-officials.

  The Inner Train of Thought of Nationalist Faction in 1920s and 1930s

  Ao Guangxu (90)

  At the beginning of “Awakening Lion Movement,” the Nationalist faction was endeavoring to build a culturally conservative system combining Chinese and Western cultures, and take this as the movement’s ideology. Its modern train of thought included both historical and cultural philosophy based on European metaphysics, as well as reactions against metaphysics—positivist philosophy and positivist disciplines including positivist historiography, sociology, anthropology, biology, psychology, etc. Metaphysics originally conflicted with positivism, and because of the dislocation of Chinese and Western time and space when Nationalism was transplanted into China, this brought about theoretical difficulties and internal stresses for the Awakening Lion Faction, and drove it to turn from passively emphasizing Nationalism as a thing-in-itself to actively constructing a “Neo-Nationalist” philosophical system. Metaphysics had always been a bastion of cultural conservatism, but the scientific and evolutionary spirit and anti-metaphysical tendency of positivism encouraged the Awakening Lion Faction to call for and return to the “May Fourth spirit” and to turn to cultural radicalism.

  The Protestant Missionaries and the Development of China’s Braille System

  Guo Weidong (110)

  Command Economy and State-Run Trade: The Fuxing Trade Company’s Business Activities after the Outbreak of the Pacific War Zheng Huixin (125)

  Seminar on Nationalism in Modern Chinese History Jia Xiaoye (150)

  International Seminar on Modern Chinese Social Groups and Economic Organizations

  Zheng Chenglin, Wei Wenxiang (154)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:45:03

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