1924年《中俄协定》与中俄旧约废止问题——以〈密件议定书〉为中心的探讨 唐启华(1)
1928至1937年《大公报》等报刊对中苏关系认识的演变 陈廷湘(23)
“兴亚会”与戊戌庚子间的中日民间结盟 桑 兵(41)
论有贺长雄与民初宪政的演变 张学继(54)
日本外务省与1933年中的华北危局——以应对黄郛北上为中心 陈群元(76)
海军大臣载洵访美与中美海军合作计划 崔志海(92)
1910—1911年的东北大鼠疫及朝野应对措施 焦润明(106)
南京国民政府初期的基层司法实践问题——对同期四川南充地区诉讼案例的分析 吴 燕 (125)
清季督抚文案与文案处考略 关晓红(140)
“近代中国的城市·乡村·民间文化”学术研讨会综述 吕文浩(151)
1924年《中俄协定》与中俄旧约废止问题——以〈密件议定书〉为中心的探讨 唐启华(台湾政治大学历史系教授)
1928—1937年《大公报》等报刊对中苏关系认识的演变 陈廷湘(四川大学历史文化学院教授)
[内容提要] 1928年国民党统一中国后,特别是中东路事件发生后,由于受到1927年中苏关系因革命问题而破裂的影响,《大公报》等报刊均站在政府一边,把政治意识视为中苏关系的决定因素,把反赤等同于反苏。“九·一八”以后,随着日本侵略的不断加深,中苏在国际关系中的共同利益日渐显现,舆论逐步放弃政治意识中心观,转为以是否符合国家利益为处理中苏关系的根本原则。但在此同时,舆论又出现了亲苏倾向。这种要么为仇敌、要么为亲邦的观念极易导致国际交往中利益原则的偏离,对中国对外关系事务产生了极其深远的影响。
“兴亚会”与戊戌庚子间的中日民间结盟 桑兵(中山大学孙中山研究所教授)
论有贺长雄与民初宪政的演变 张学继(浙江省社会科学院历史研究所研究员)
日本外务省与1933年中的华北危局——以应对黄郛北上为中心 陈群元(日本国立筑波大学人文社会科学研究所政治经济学专攻博士)
海军大臣载洵访美与中美海军合作计划 崔志海(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员、复旦大学历史系博士生)
1910-1911年的东北大鼠疫及朝野应对措施 焦润明(辽宁大学历史文化学院教授)
[内容提要] 1910-1911年间发生在中国东北的鼠疫,给中国北方人民的生命财产造成了巨大灾难。面对灾难,清政府及各地方当局、士绅已充分认识到“防则生不防则死”的道理,积极采取各种防疫应对措施。从中央到地方组建各级防疫组织,颁布各种防疫法规,实施具体的防疫措施,如推行火葬、制定严格的疫情报告制度和查验隔离制度,加强与世界各国的防疫合作,召开国际防疫研究会等。舆论界也积极进行防疫宣传,民间人士还积极筹措防疫款项。这些应对措施在很大程度上有效地避免了鼠疫灾难的进一步蔓延。
南京国民政府初期的基层司法实践问题——对四川南充地区诉讼案例的分析 吴 燕(四川大学历史文化学院博士生、电子科技大学人文学院副教授)
清季督抚文案与文案处考略 关晓红(中山大学历史系教授)
“近代中国的城市·乡村·民间文化”学术研讨会综述 吕文浩
Modern Chinese History Studies
No.3, 2006
The Sino-Soviet Agreement of 1924 and the Argument over the Annulment of Old Treaties: Centered on the Secret Protocol Tang Qihua (1)
After the October Revolution the Soviet government issued two manifestos to China, promising to abolish all unequal treaties and treat China equally. The Peking government, though unwilling to recognize the Soviet Union immediately, took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of Russia’s old treaty privileges. During the Sino-Soviet negotiations, the Soviets insisted on unconditional diplomatic recognition before negotiating any new treaties to replace the old ones. The Peking government, on the other hand, doubted that the Sino-Soviet conference would achieve good results, so they insisted on abolishing the old treaties immediately. In the end, the two parties reached a compromise and added a secret protocol to the Sino-Soviet Agreement. The protocol states that pending the conclusion of new treaties all the old treaties would not be enforced. Though the Sino-Soviet conference was held later, it did not produce any concrete results. This left the old Sino-Russian treaties in an ambiguous state of being neither abolished nor enforced. In the process of turning over the Russian embassy and in other relevant negotiations, the Peking government always maintained that the old Sino-Russian treaties had been abolished and steadily pushed forward in its “treaty revision diplomacy.”
The Evolution of Dagong Bao and other Newspapers and Periodicals’ Perception of Sino-Soviet Relations, 1928-1837 Chen Tingxiang (23)
After the Guomindang reunified China in 1928, and particularly after the Zhongdong Railway Incident, Dagong Bao and other Newspapers and Periodicals were influenced by the Sino-Soviet split over revolutionary issues, and sided with the government on Sino-Soviet relations. They regarded political ideas as the decisive factor in Sino-Soviet relations and equated being Anti-Communist with being Anti-Soviet. As the Japanese aggression intensified after the September Eighteenth Incident, China and the Soviet Union’s common interests in international relations gradually became clearer. Little by little, public opinion gave up its focus on political ideology and turned to national interest as the basic principle for dealing with Sino-Soviet relations. However, at the same time a pro-Soviet tendency appeared in public opinion. This oscillation between two extremes of friendliness and enmity encouraged a divergence between interests and principles in international relations, and exerted a profound and lasting influence on China’s foreign affairs.
Societies for Rejuvenating Asia and Sino-Japanese Non-Governmental Alliances, 1898-1900 Sang Bing (41)
The Shanghai Asian Association, established in 1898, was the product of a Sino-Japanese non-governmental alliance formed against the backdrop of the gradual confluence of various Japanese groups concerned with Chinese affairs, and a search for unity on the part of all kinds of Chinese radical forces. As the views of Japanese concerned with Chinese affairs converged, the differences between organizations became blurred. Some important figures backed the formation of multiple societies, or even took positions of leadership in different organizations. For this reason, one sector of China’s people and public opinion preferred to call these kinds of groups “Societies for Rejuvenating Asia,” regarding them not as mere branches of particular Japanese organizations, but as alliances between the people of China and Japan uniting together to resolve the current crisis and rejuvenate East Asia. Because the Asian Association was already showing signs of decline, the establishment of the East Asian Society, and particularly of the Common Culture Association was intended largely to replace the Asian Association as the organizational framework of the Sino-Japanese alliance. For this reason, the associations naturally focused on Shanghai. The Shanghai 1895 Comrades’ Society, built by Shiraiwa Ryuhei, Munakata Kotaro and others played a vital role in the transition process. Under their influence, the Chinese gradually turned towards the East Asian Common Culture Association as their ally. Taking advantage of the organizational and personnel resources of previous groups concerned with Chinese affairs, the Society was more comprehensively and deeply involved in anti-Qing plots in Southern China and worked to promote a united uprising.
Ariga Nagao and the Evolution of Constitutional Politics in Early Republican China Zhang Xueji (54)
Ariga Nagao played a peculiar role in Yuan Shikai’s strangulation of the republican democratic system and steady movement towards dictatorship and finally restoring imperial rule. Ariga completely ignored the historical facts of the 1911 Revolution’s overthrow of the Qing Dynasty’s feudal autocratic rule, and fabricated a theory that “the Qing transferred national authority to Yuan”, which fundamentally denies the theory that “national authority belongs to the people” set forth in the Provisional Constitution. Ariga took his theory as the legal basis for Yuan Shikai to abandon the democratic republican system and restore imperial rule. After 1913, the constitutional political system was developed in accordance with the theory concocted by Ariga. His words and deeds reflected the Japanese imperialist government’s policies and ambitions toward China. Nominally he was a legal advisor employed by China’s head of state, but in fact he played the most inglorious role of a “conspiratorial politician.”
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the 1933 North China Crisis:centered on the responses to Huang Fu's mission Chen Qunyuan (76)
Before the conclusion of the Tanggu Truce, there was a divergence of opinion among officers of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the future of Sino-Japanese relations. The divergence became more conspicuous after the Nationalist Government appointed Huang Fu to settle issues in North China. Among Japanese diplomats in China, Ambassador Ariyoshi Akira advocated supporting Huang Fu in order to reach an amicable agreement with the Nationalist government, and thereby improve cooperation between the two countries. However First Secretary Nakayama Shoichi and others generally accepted the Kwangtung Army’s position that an effectively independent government should be set up in North China. Foreign Minister Uchida Yasuya held an ambiguous stance at first, but he generally inclined toward the Nakayama group. In the end, he vetoed Ariyoshi’s ideas and tried to sign a political agreement with the Nationalist government. This process is a concrete demonstration of the existence of a divergence of opinion over relations with China inside the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time, as well as the historical reality that the hardliners more often than not gained the upper hand.
Navy Minister Zaixun’s Visit to America and the Sino-American Naval Cooperation Plan Cui Zhihai(92)
The Plague in Northeast China from 1910 to 1911 and Measures Adopted by the Government and the Public Jiao Runming (106)
Grass-roots Judicial Practices during the Early Period of the Nanjing Nationalist Government: An Analysis of Cases in the Nanchong District, Sichuan Wu Yan (125)
The Secretaries and Secretarial Offices of Governors and Governor-Generals in the Qing Dynasty Guan Xiaohong (140)
Seminar on “Modern Chinese Urban, Rural and Folk Culture” Lü Wenhao (151)
责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:45:10
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