
2020-10-21 10:50:32   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:



抗日战争时期宪政运动若干问题的再研究 闻黎明(11)
建国前夕中共创建石家庄民众参政机构的实践 李国芳 (27)
历史人类学与近代区域社会史研究 黄国信 温春来 吴滔(46)
不要在“假设”上浪费时间 朱宗震(61)
新视野下的中国共产主义运动起源研究—— 石川祯浩著《中国共产党成立史》评介 李丹阳、刘建一(65)
2005年中国近代史研究综述 虞和平(71)
2005年中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆 (92)




对共和体制的失望:梁济之死  罗志田(北京大学历史学系教授)

抗日战争时期宪政运动若干问题的再研究  闻黎明(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)

建国前夕中共创建石家庄民众参政机构的实践  李国芳(中共中央党校中共党史教研部讲师)

历史人类学与近代区域社会史研究  黄国信、温春来、吴滔(均为中山大学历史系副教授)

不要在“假设”上浪费时间  朱宗震(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)

新视野下的中国共产主义运动起源研究—— 石川祯浩著《中国共产党成立史》评介  李丹阳、刘建一(旅英中国历史学者)

2005年中国近代史研究综述  虞和平(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)



 2005年中国近代史论著目录  近代史研究所图书馆




Morern Chinese History Studies No.5, 2006

Disappointment with the Republican System: The Death of Liang Ji Luo Zhitian (1)
In the autumn of 1918, during a time of hope for many Chinese people, the former Qing Dynasty mandarin Liang Ji chose to commit suicide as a warning to his compatriots. In his eyes, the big social problem of the time was that the recently implemented Republican system not only had failed to improve social morality, but rather was making it worse, so that China’s crisis of national identity might well lead to a crisis of national survival. Liang Ji’s explanation of why he wanted to die for the Qing Dynasty shows that he had a more clear-headed national consciousness than most people at the time, and his observation and analysis of a number of early Republican social problems was also very incisive. However, society did not react strongly to his suicide at the time. The main newspaper reports of his death were confined to the drama and variety sections, and the handful of intellectual elites who reacted to his death did not fully realize the importance of Ling Ji’s thought. This situation did not change until more of his works were published posthumously.

A Re-Examination of Several Issues Concerning the Constitutional Government Movement during the Resistance War against Japan Wen Liming (11)
The constitutional government movement during the Resistance War against Japan was an important part of the modern Chinese effort to democratize politics. Academics have published many articles and books on the subject. However, some problems directly related to the constitutional government movement seem to have not been adequately stressed, or are in need of further study. This article re-analyzes and compares the actual driving factors, different objectives and visible results of the two constitutional government movements in 1939 and 1943, and accordingly presents my own views on current studies of the constitutional government movement: First, the seven motions which hitherto have been regarded in academic circles as the origins of the first constitutional government movement were in fact not the first proposals for implementing constitutional government put forward during the National Participating Conference. Rather, it was the discussion of these seven motions as a unit that provided the spark to set off the constitutional government movement, which was already an inevitability. Second, although the achievements of the first constitutional government movement included promoting constitutional ideology and spreading the idea of constitutional government, its only tangible result was the “recommended draft constitution” which embodied the Western parliamentary model. Third, although the second constitutional government movement was indeed the successor of the united government movement, nevertheless it not only had an independent existence, but also achieved three positive results of its own. The second movement must be given recognition and an objective assessment. Future research in this area should give more attention to these three issues, for they have implications for the integrity of the constitutional government movement during the Resistance War against Japan.

The Chinese Communist Party’s Implementation of Organs for Mass Participation in Political Affairs in Shijiazhuang before the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China Li Guofang (27)
Against the background of the CCP’s preparations for establishing a central government, and following Liu Shaoqi’s directions, the city of Shijiazhuang started experimenting with a temporary council, and skipping over the “conference of class representatives” stage, finally established the “people’s representative conference” as its form of mass political participation. In April 1949, based on class analysis and adopting a democratic agenda, the city directly elected representatives to the city’s first “People’s Representative Conference”. Shijiazhuang’s “People’s Representative Conference” met in July to August 1949—the first council of this name to be held in any city in the nation—and selected a new governmental committee. However, in the view of the Central Committee of the CCP, experiences and practices such as those of Shijiazhuang could not be implemented under the prevailing conditions at the time. With the addition of the influence of Stalin’s suggestions about the legality of new governments produced through general election, the Central Committee of the CCP formally differentiated between the two concepts of “people’s representative conference” and “people’s congress”. In this context, Shijiazhuang’s first people’s representative conference could only be assigned to the category of “conference of class representatives.”

Historical Anthropology and Modern Regional Social History Huang Guoxin, Wen Chunlai, Wu Tao (46)
The marriage of historiography and anthropology gave birth to historical anthropology. For historians, historical anthropology is a research approach and research trend: it adopts anthropology’s field research methods, and emphasizes the historicity of the research subject; it tries to keep a distance from the research subject, and makes every effort to collect materials directly from the field. On this basis, it forms a research trend stressing time and process as well as space and structure; attaching importance to the analysis, examination, selection and interpretation of historical data; emphasizing “participatory experience” and a sense of historical presence, and also stressing the analysis of the different expressions of all classes and organizations. This trend stresses the historical formation process of regions, and stresses that researchers should not be constrained by rigid limits of time and space, but rather take human beings as the center of their research, and problems as its basis, to break dualistic opposites of “state vs. locality”, “general knowledge vs. local knowledge”, “big traditions vs. small traditions”, and so on, and to further develop modern regional social history. Two cases—the chrysanthemum festival of Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan County, Guangdong Province, and local self-government in the Jiangnan region in the late Qing and early Republican periods—can be used to illustrate the relationship between historical anthropology and modern regional social history.

Don’t Waste Time on “What Ifs” Zhu Zongzhen (61)

A New Perspective on the Origin of the Chinese Communist Movement: The History of the Establishment of the Chinese Communist Party by Ishikawa Yoshihiro Li Danyang, Liu Jianyi (65)

Summary of Studies on Modern Chinese History in 2005 Yu Heping (71)

Catalog of Studies in the Chinese Mainland on Modern Chinese History in 2005 (92)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:45:24

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