
2020-10-21 10:55:51   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:



晚清民初现代“文明”和“文化”概念的形成及其历史实践 黄兴涛 (1)
战争与社会转型中的中国基督教会——中华基督教会全国总会边疆服务研究 杨天宏 (35)
西安事变后的南京讨伐派——以戴季陶、何应钦为中心的再探讨 左双文(58)
日伪统治下华北沦陷区的高等教育 余子侠(70)
战争话语下的草根文化——论抗战时期山西革命根据地的民间小戏 韩晓莉(90)
解析一次未实现的科学合作 李学通(106)
2005年国外出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆 (113)
2005年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆 (141)
《近代史研究》2006年总目 (156)



晚清民初现代“文明”和“文化”概念的形成及其历史实践  黄兴涛(中国人民大学清史研究所教授)



战争与社会转型中的中国基督教会——中华基督教会全国总会边疆服务研究  杨天宏(四川大学历史文化学院教授)



西安事变后的南京讨伐派——以戴季陶、何应钦为中心的再探讨  左双文(华南师范大学历史文化学院教授)




日伪统治下华北沦陷区的高等教育  余子侠(华中师范大学教育学院教授)



战争话语下的草根文化——论抗战时期山西革命根据地的民间小戏  韩晓莉(山西大学中国社会史研究中心博士生)
[关键词]民间小戏 戏剧运动 政治教化



解析一次未实现的科学合作  李学通(中国社会科学院近代史研究所副编审)
[关键词]科学史 地质调查所 北京大学 科学合作



 2005年国外出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆


2005年台湾、香港、澳门地区出版中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆






Morern Chinese History Studies No.6, 2006

The Formation of Modern Concepts of “Civilization” and “Culture” and Their Historical Practice in Late Qing and Early Republican China

Huang Xingtao (1)

In the historical discourse of late Qing and early Republican China, China’s traditional concepts of “civilization” and “culture” underwent a transformation. First, they shed to a great extent their disdain for material, economic and military affairs, and formed a new and modern concept of “civilization” (the modern concept of “culture” in the broad sense) with an intrinsic idea of progress. Then—along another axis—they returned to some key elements of Chinese traditional “civilization” and “culture” as contrasted with “militarization” and materialization, thereby gaining new conceptual resources and constructing a new concept of “culture” in the narrow sense. Finally, they were re-formed into a contradictory conceptual structure of modern “culture” encompassing both the broad and narrow senses. The process by which these two important concepts were formed and developed was also a process of practice through which the Chinese people at the time used them to reform society. During the Reformation of 1898, the modern concept of “civilization” was already gradually gaining prevalence among progressive intellectuals, bringing with it a whole series of modern guiding values, and becoming an intellectual support for fully carrying out the reform movement that cannot be overlooked. At the same time, the emergence of the concept of “culture” in the narrow sense, and its intertwining with the broader concept influenced the progression of the May Fourth New Culture Movement.


China’s Christian Church in War and in Social Transformation: A Study of the Frontier Service of the General Union of the Church of Christ in China

Yang Tianhong (35)

In the late 1930s, the General Union of the Church of Christ in China (hereafter “ GUCCC”)initiated a movement to provide services to the western minority regions in order to consolidate the rear areas during the Anti-Japanese War. The GUCCC appealed to accomplished persons inside and outside the Church to go to the southwest minority regions—which were called “frontiers” at the time—to provide services in areas such as livelihood, education, health and medical treatment, and so on. In addition, the General Union cooperated with research institutes and scholars to do research on the frontier, forming an interplay between service and research, and promoting social progress in remote areas, especially in the Sichuan-Xikang region, and the development of academic studies related to the frontiers. The frontier service was the first such large-scale Christian activity undertaken with the support of the Chinese government since Christianity was first preached in China in 1807. This movement lasted until 1955. It not only underwent the baptism of the war, but also experienced the drastic social transformations of the early period of New China. The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China.


The Pro-Suppression Faction in Nanjing after the Xi’an Incident: A Re-Examination Centering on Dai Jitao and He Yingqin Zuo Shuangwen (58)

After the Xi’an Incident, the Central Committee of the Guomindang divided into two factions: a pro-peace faction and a pro-war faction. Who composed the “pro-suppression faction”? There have been no specific examinations in past academic studies. In fact, Dai Jitao was the one who most actively advocated taking military action, and he was the head of “pro-suppression faction”. He Yingqin advocated war at first, but later he changed his attitude in response to various pressures. His pro-war fervor declined—at least superficially—and he was criticized by Dai Jitao and others for delaying military operations. The pro-suppression faction was sharply questioned and strongly opposed by Soong Mayling and others.


Higher Education in North China under the Rule of the Japanese and Puppet Regimes

Yu Zixia (70)

During the Japanese invasion of China, after crushingly destroying higher education in North China, the Japanese invaders helped the puppet regime to “build” some colleges and universities. The Japanese controlled these educational institutions firmly and deliberately. They forced these institutions to carry out a complete program of enslavement education, trying to turn them into “slave cultivation sites” and strategic bases for cultivating cultural tools for the ongoing invasion of China.


Grass-roots Culture in the Context of War: Folk Operas in the Shanxi Revolutionary Base during the Resistance War against Japan Han Xiaoli (90)

As a representative of grass-roots culture, the origin, development and flowering of folk opera has direct and strict connections with rural society, and gives a comparatively true reflection of many aspects of social life. After the breakout of the Resistance War against Japan, the mighty power of politics filtered down into rural society. One of its expressions was the reformation of rural opera. The structure and content of rural opera experienced profound changes in the war context, and entertainment was replaced by political education as its guiding force. Politics began to intervene in folk literature and art and melted into rural life with an unprecedented way. Taking folk opera in Shanxi revolutionary areas as its subject for examination, this article analyzes the changes in the content, form and function of grass-roots culture in the war context and its integration with politics in rural society.


An Analysis of a Lost Opportunity for Scientific Cooperation Li Xuetong (106)


Catalog of Overseas Publications on Modern Chinese History, 2005 (113)


Catalog of Publications on Modern Chinese History in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, 2005 (141)


General Table of Contents, Modern Chinese History Studies, 2006 (156)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:45:31

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