“无情鸡”事件:国民革命后期劳资纠纷的实证考察 霍新宾(41)
兴泰行商欠案与鸦片战争前夕的行商体制 吴义雄(56)
北洋政府时期国内公债总额及其作用评析 潘国旗(76)
民国时期成都平原的押租与押扣 李德英(95)
房德邻 (116)
1980年代以来中国大陆蒋介石研究述评 黄道炫(146)
一部没有“近代”的中国近代史 ——从“柯文三论”看“中国中心观”的内在逻辑及其困境 夏明方(中国人民大学清史研究所教授)
新文化是如何“运动”起来的——以《新青年》为视点 王奇生(四川师范大学特聘教授)
[内容提要]《新青年》从一“普通刊物”发展成为全国新文化的一块“金字招牌”,“新文化”由涓涓细流汇成洪波巨浪,都经历了一个相当的“运动”过程。 “新文化运动”以五四为开端,是当时人较为普遍的看法。细察《新青年》之立论,高悬“民主”“科学”两面大旗,意在震慑和封堵“非难”者。新文化人对“新文化”的内涵其实并未形成一致的看法。今人所推崇、所眷顾的一些思想主张,在当时未必形成了多大反响,而当时人十分关注的热点问题,却已淡出后来史家的视野。对于同一个《新青年》,办刊人的出发点,反对方的攻击点,与局外人的观察点既不尽一致;对于同一场“新文化运动”,新文化人的当下诠释与后来史家的言说叙事更有相当的出入。
“无情鸡”事件:国民革命后期劳资纠纷的实证考察 霍新宾(华南师范大学政治与行政学院副教授)
兴泰行商欠案与鸦片战争前夕的行商体制 吴义雄(中山大学历史系、历史人类学研究中心教授)
北洋政府时期国内公债总额及其作用评析 潘国旗(杭州师范学院教授)
民国时期成都平原的押租与押扣——兼与刘克祥先生商榷 李德英(四川大学历史文化学院教授)
康有为与公车上书——读《“公车上书”考证补》献疑 房德邻(北京大学历史系教授)
抗战期间日华秘密谈判中的“姜豪工作”——近世名人未刊函电过眼录 杨天石(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)
[内容提要]抗战期间,日本侵略者自知仅凭武 力不足以征服中国,曾通过多条渠道诱使国民政府进行和谈,姜豪工作即是其中之一。有关情况,姜豪本人曾经写过一本《“和谈密使”回想录》。但是,事隔多年,记忆难免讹误。更重要的是,当事人往往只知其一,不知其二,这就决定了历史学家在回忆录之外,还必须广泛收集相关档案资料,相互参证,才有可能比较准确地了解事情的本来面目。
道光朝大计官员处分人数考 陈一容
1980年代以来中国大陆蒋介石研究述评 黄道炫
Modern Chinese History Studies No. 1, 2007
A Modern Chinese History without “Modern”: Using Paul A. Cohen’s “Three Theories” to Look at the Inner Logic of the “China Centered Approach” and its Predicament Xia Mingfang (1)
Since the 1990s, the leading paradigm for studying modern Chinese history in Chinese mainland academic circles has met with a strong challenge and attack from the “China Centered Approach” imported from American sinological circles. This challenge is no doubt a further reaction to dogmatic Marxist views of history, and has greatly enlarged and enriched related research fields and topics. However, its final result has been neither the restoration of historical materialism, nor the establishment of a new paradigm that truly is a Chinese approach with native characteristics. Instead, it has led down a new dogmatic road. This situation is not simply a result of Chinese scholars dogmatically applying the “China Centered Approach”, it is also an inevitable result of the development of this theoretical system’s inner logic. Starting from its own latent logical contradictions, this article tries to give a critical reading of the “Approach”, in hopes of deepening the discussion of research methods in modern Chinese history.
How did New Culture Begin to “Move”: Centering on New Youth
Wang Qisheng (21)
As New Youth went from being an ordinary magazine to become the “glittering marquee” of new culture all over the country, and as “New Culture” grew from a trickle into a great tide, each of them underwent a considerable “movement” process. The popular view of the time was that “New Culture Movement” took the May Fourth Movement as its starting point. However, if we analyze the arguments put forward in New Youth, we can find that its aim in raising the flags of “democracy” and “science” was to intimidate and block “attackers”. No consistent view of the meaning of “New Culture” formed among New Culture intellectuals. Ideas and proposals that modern people admire or care about did not necessarily evoke a strong response at the time. The hot issues which people paid close attention to at the time have faded out of the field of vision of later historians. Though addressing the same New Youth magazine, what the editors aimed to do, what opponents attacked and what outsiders observed were not all the same. Faced with the same “New Culture Movement”, the explanations of New Culture intellectuals are also different from the narratives of later historians.
The “Pink Slip” Incident: A Probe into Disputes between Labor and Management in the Late Period of the Nationalist Revolution Huo Xinbin (41)
In early 1927, the “Pink Slip” issue—firing laborers without any reason—was brought to a boil by a telegram from the Qujiang Chamber of Commerce. Because of the intervention of various powers such as labor unions, chambers of commerce, the Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party, this issue finally developed into a conflict between labor and management lasting more than fifty days. This incident was not only the concentrated expression of the differences in mentality and action between labor and capital in Guangzhou during the late period of the Nationalist revolution; it was also a manifestation of the differences between Guomindang and CCP policies toward issues of labor and management, revealing the dilemma faced by the Guomindang government—proudly waving the banner of “class harmony”—in trying to choose a “just” position between labor and capital in the midst of social reorganization. From the fact that this confrontation between class struggle theory and the doctrine of “worker-merchant coordination” was resolved through cooperation between labor and capital, we can also conclude that the CCP’s ability to undertake worker politics and class mobilization was limited.
The Hingtae Hong Debt Case and the Canton Hong System on the Eve of the Opium War Wu Yixiong (56)
In 1837, Hingtae Hong, which undertook a large amount of foreign trade, went bankrupt with debts to foreign businesses of more than 2.4 million Spanish dollars. Its creditors (mainly British private merchants) presented petitions to Deng Tingzhen, the governor-general of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. Deng ordered the leaders of the Hong merchants to clear the account with the British, and after a protracted dispute they settled on a scheme for paying off the debts. The indemnity to Great Britain fixed by the Nanjing Treaty included a part of the Hingtae Hong’s debt. Aside from its own internal factors, the Hingtae Hong debt case was mainly caused by the change in Sino-Western commercial relations and the maladies of the Canton Hong commercial system in the 1830s. When the East Indian Company stopped trading with China in 1834, small Hong merchants such as Hingtae Hong lost a layer of protection, and the influence that the Company continued to exert on the Canton trade thereafter worsened economic conditions for the Hong merchants. Because of various unfavorable conditions, Hingtae Hong and other Hongs could not make a profit in their staple trades in tea and cotton, but rather suffered heavy losses. The mutual-debt-compensation system of the Hong merchants revived in the settlement of the Hingtae Hong debt case plunged the Canton trade system into a deeper crisis.
An Analysis of Domestic Debts and Their Role during the Beiyang Government Period Pan Guoqi (76)
According to the scientific definition of “internal debt”, the total amount of internal debt issued by the Beiyang government was 992,725,449.868 yuan. Past studies on internal debt policies have emphasized on exposing their feudalist, colonialist and destructive roles, lacking analysis of the duality of government bonds in modern China. In fact, the government bonds issued by the Beiyang government had some positive effects. Firstly, the issue of large amounts of government bonds during the period helped to break down the feudal and backward means of fund collection customary in ancient China, such as donations and contributions. Instead, the government relied on bonds to meet the emerging financial needs. This was a step forward in both financial methods and financial concepts. Secondly, addressing the use of the bonds, the government spent 196 million yuan (approximately 20% of all the bonds) on transportation construction, education, irrigation and disaster relief, promoting China’s economic modernization to some extent. Thirdly, the bonds issued by the Beiyang government sped up the banks’ primitive accumulation of capital, promoting the rapid development of banks, which in turn invested in industry, promoting the development of China’s economy.
Rent Deposits and Rent Discounts on the Chengdu Plain in Republican China: Also a Discussion with Liu KexiangLi Deying (95)
Kang Youwei and the Joint Petition: Questions for “A Supplement to Evidentiary Studies of the 1895 ‘Joint Petition of Imperial Examination Candidates to the Emperor’” Written by Mao Haijian Fang Delin (116)
The “Jiang Hao Project” in the Secret Negotiations between Japan and China in the Resistance War against Japan: Reading Unpublished Letters and Telegrams of Famous Figures in Modern China Yang Tianshi (133)
An Examination of the Number of Officials Punished in the Daoguang Reign
Chen Yirong (139)
Summary of Studies on Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Mainland since the 1980s
Huang Daoxuan (146)
责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:14
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