
2020-10-21 11:31:37   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:




  近代地方文化的跨地域性:20世纪二三十年代粤剧、粤乐和粤曲在上海 程美宝(1)

  政党建置与民初政制走向——从“革命军起,革命党消”口号的提出论起 杨天宏 (18)

  南京国民政府初期中央大学区试验及其困境 许小青 (40)

  认识他者与反观自我:近代中国人的韩国认识 王元周(61)


  欧洲中心霸权和民族主义之间的中国历史 阿里夫·德里克(80)

  京都大学人文科学研究所共同研究班:以中国近代史为例 狭间直树(93)

  意大利法西斯政府与西安事变 瓦尔多·费拉蒂(107)


  康有为与公车上书 ——读《“公车上书”考证补》献疑(二) 房德邻(111)


  四渡赤水研究中的几个问题的探讨 孙果达( 132)

  晚清中国教习在新式高等教育机构的薪酬初探 商丽浩 (137)


  “1910年代的中国”国际学术研讨会述论 杨 宏(142)

  “第二次中国历史上的‘三农’问题”学术研讨会综述 郑起东(150)

  “晚清国家与社会”国际学术讨论会述评 朱从兵、王国平(154)

  “民国河北高等法院档案与近代华北社会”学术研讨会述论 把增强(157)


  近代地方文化的跨地域性——二十世纪二、三十年代粤剧、粤乐和粤曲在上海  程美宝



  政党建置与民初政制走向——从“革命军起,革命党消”口号的提出论起  杨天宏



  南京国民政府初期中央大学区试验及其困境  许小青



  认识他者与反观自我:近代中国人的韩国认识  王元周



  欧洲中心霸权和民族主义之间的中国历史  阿里夫·德里克

  京都大学人文科学研究所共同研究班:以中国近代史为例  狭间直树

  意大利法西斯政府与西安事变  瓦尔多·费拉蒂

  康有为与公车上书 ——读《“公车上书”考证补》献疑(二)   房德邻

  四渡赤水研究中的几个问题的探讨  孙果达

  晚清中国教习在新式高等教育机构的薪酬初探  商丽浩

  “1910年代的中国”国际学术研讨会述论  杨 宏

  “第二次中国历史上的‘三农’问题”学术研讨会综述  郑起东

  “晚清国家与社会”国际学术讨论会述评  朱从兵 王国平

  “民国河北高等法院档案与近代华北社会”学术研讨会述论  把增强


  Modern Chinese History Studies No. 2, 2007

  The Trans-locality of Local Cultures in Modern China: Cantonese Opera, Music, and Songs in Shanghai, 1920s-1930s Cheng Meibao (1)

  After Shanghai became a treaty port in 1843, a considerable number of Guangdong merchants and compradors came to the city. They successively established native-place associations, trade associations and other kinds of social organizations, and sponsored various Cantonese musical activities. During the 1920s and 1930s, on the one hand, many aspects from Cantonese opera, music, and song underwent important changes after absorbing some elements of other regional operas and music. On the other hand, some previously obscure regional markers were enhanced in this special environment. The writing and realization of Cantonese music was undertaken in the context of the search for a “national music”. Furthermore, the popular music flourishing in Shanghai also injected new tunes into Cantonese song. In the 1930s and 1940s, newly appearing Mandarin songs were incorporated into Cantonese song on a massive scale, while at the same time the Cantonese dialect characteristic of Cantonese song was given play as never before. From looking at the process of development of Cantonese opera, music, and song in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s, we can see that the features of “local culture” in modern China were always shaped and expressed in a trans-regional environment.

  The Establishment of Political Parties and the Political System’s Trend in Early Republican China: Beginning with the Appearance of the Slogan “As the Revolutionary Armies Rises, the Revolutionary Party Disappears”Yang Tianhong (18)

  The slogan “As the revolutionary armies rises, the revolutionary party disappears” was a political slogan put forward by Zhang Taiyan to meet the needs of the transformation in the Chinese political system after the Wuchang Uprising. The “revolutionary party” was a secret association, fundamentally different from the “political parties” undertaking legal political activities based on the parliamentary system. The aim of eliminating the “revolutionary party” was to build “political parties” and promote China’s democratic system. However, though the Guomindang reorganized as a “political party” for a time to adapt to the new situation, the Party’s revolutionary feelings were never extinguished, and to a great extent the thoughts and actions of its members remained stuck in the revolutionary stage. After the assassination of Song Jiaoren, the Guomindang returned to a evolutionary stance, and set out on the “revolutionary road” once more. In the course of the Guomindang’s “ongoing revolution”, not only Yuan Shikai and the Beiyang warlords became objects of attack, in actuality the Western parliamentary democratic system chosen by Sun Yat-sen and his comrades in the early revolutionary period was rejected as well. This double political assault exerted a complicated political influence on modern China’s political system by “destroying the old” while failing to “establishing the new”.

  The Experiment with a University District System in the Early Nanjing Government Period and It’s DifficultiesXu Xiaoqing (40)

  In 1927, the Nationalist Government chose Nanjing as its capital. In order to build a new academic center, the Government combined Southeastern University with other colleges to make the capital’s highest educational institution. At the same time, the Government tried to implement a university district system. Over the course of this two and a half year experiment, the capital university clashed both openly and behind the scenes with the central government and the Jiangsu provincial government over such issues as choosing the university’s name, allocating funds, and personnel arrangements. Amidst a changing political situation and opposed by more and more people, the central university district system was dismantled in late 1929. Its designers had proposed the university district system out of concern for academic independence, but in practice it was embroiled in political disputes. This indicates that the transplant of a foreign educational system was constrained by national conditions. At the same time, the central university district system gradually became in the course of the experiment an instrument through which national universities could get hold of local educational resources. This is a concentrated reflection of the contradictions and conflicts between the central government and the local governments over the distribution of educational resources. In particular, it reflects how the Nationalist government’s embarrassment as its abilities fell short of its ambitions in building “the capital’s highest educational institution”.

  Understanding the Other and Self-observation: Modern Chinese People’s Perception of Korea

  Wang Yuanzhou (61)

  The rise and fall of Korea was an important reference point for modern Chinese people in the transition from traditional sinocentrism to modern nationalism. Therefore, Chinese understandings of Korea were closely related to the evolution of modern ideology. The complicated international and domestic situation, conflicts between Eastern and Western ideology, and a rich historical memory presented modern Chinese with all manner of difficulties—both in sentiment and in ideology—in their perceptions of Korea. Firstly, regarding the downfall of the Korean empire, though Chinese people generally condemned the duplicitous and aggressive acts of Japanese imperialism, yet they always preferred to look for internal reasons leading to Korea’s downfall, in order to alert their compatriots and encourage self-strengthening. Secondly, how was one to understand Korea’s colonial modernity under Japanese rule? Some people took an affirmative, even laudatory view, while others recognized the suffering of the Korean people that lay behind the achievements of modernization. It was only when Japan occupied Northeast China that a basic unity was achieved on a thoroughly anti-colonialist stance. Thirdly, modern Chinese people’s understandings of Korea were always greatly affected by historical memory, and the memory of suzerain-vassal relations strengthened the Chinese people’s sense of responsibility for supporting the Korean independence movement. On the other hand, another reason why the Chinese people supported the movement was that they thought the Korean peninsula was geo-politically important to China and closely tied to the peace and security of China and indeed all of East Asia. The complexity of these understandings of Korea indicated the connection between understandings of the other and self-realization, and exerted a definite influence on the form of modern Chinese nationalism.

  Chinese History between Eurocentric Hegemony and Nationalism Arif Dirlik (80)

  The Kyoto University Institute of Humanities Joint Research Group: Modern Chinese History as an Example Hasama Naoki (93)

  Fascist Italy and the Xi’an Incident Valdo Ferretti (107)

  Kang Youwei and the Joint Petition: Questions for “A Supplement to Evidentiary Studies of the 1895 ‘Joint Petition of Imperial Examination Candidates to the Emperor’” Written by Mao Haijian (2)

  Fang Delin (111)

  Several Problems in Studies of The Red Army’s Four Crossings of the Chishui River

  Sun Guoda (132)

  Salaries of Late Qing Chinese Teachers in New-Style High Educational Institutions

  Shang Lihao (137)

  International Seminar on “China in the 1910s” Yang Hong (142)

  Seminar on “Chinese History’s Second ‘Three Rurals’ Problem (Agriculture, Peasantry and Countryside)”Zheng Qidong (150)

  International Seminar on “State and Society of the Late Qing Period”

  Zhu Congbing, Wang Guoping (154)

  Seminar on “Republican-Era Hebei Province Superior Court Documents and Modern North China Society” Ba Zengqiang (157)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:25

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