
2020-10-21 11:45:30   来源:中国社会科学院近代史研究所    点击:




民初“思想界”解析 ——报刊媒介与读书人的生活形态   章 清(1)

武汉国民党的“联共”和“分共”  杨奎松(26)

北京政治的常态和异态 ——关于黎元洪与段祺瑞府院之争的研究   汪朝光(51)

从“公推”到“票举”:近代天津商会职员推选制度的曲折演进  朱 英(66)

清末台湾的防军  许毓良(78)

李仙得与日本第一次侵台  李 理 赵国辉(100)

从粤海关档案看清末广东省两次公债发行   李爱丽(117)

也谈刘坤一、王文韶的两件电奏 贾小叶(127)


评郑大华新著《晚清思想史》—— 兼谈晚清思想研究的若干问题  郭汉民(133)


2006年中国近代史研究综述  虞和平(141)




民初“思想界”解析——报刊媒介与读书人的生活形态  章 清 (复旦大学历史系教授)
[内容提要] 基于报刊媒介所营造的思想环境,及读书人由此展现的新的生活形态,以解析民国初年之“思想界”,是本文的中心论旨。一方面试图说明报刊经历晚清的发展到民国时期有什么新的变化,但这里所说的变化,主要不是指量的变化,而是传播媒介与思想、政治、社会之间的互动。通过这样的研究以检讨民初由报刊所营造的思想环境有怎样的特征;另一方面则试图结合读书人与报刊的互动,尤其是身处大学校园的读书人与报刊的关联,审视读书人的生活形态呈现出的新的特性。无论什么时候,读书人总有展现其身份意义的象征,民初读书人也不例外。透过报刊与大学及读书人的互动,或者可以更好说明民初的思想环境对读书人的塑造,也有助于对民初“思想界”更好的把握。
[关键词] 思想界|思想版图|社会流动|报刊媒介|生活形态



武汉国民党的“联共”和“分共”  杨奎松 (北京大学历史学系教授)



北京政治的常态和异态――关于黎元洪与段祺瑞府院之争的研究  汪朝光 (中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)



从“公推”到“票举”:近代天津商会职员推选制度的曲折演进  朱 英 (华中师范大学中国近代史研究所教授)



清末台湾的防军  许毓良 (中国社会科学院近代史研究所博士后)



李仙得与日本第一次侵台  李 理、赵国辉 (中国社会科学院近代史研究所助理研究员、中国社会科学院研究生院博士)



从粤海关档案看清末广东省两次公债发行  李爱丽 (中山大学历史系讲师)
[关键词] 1894年息借商款|1905年广东公债|粤海关|还款担保



也谈刘坤一、王文韶的两件电奏  贾小叶



评郑大华新著《晚清思想史》—— 兼谈晚清思想研究的若干问题  郭汉民



2006年中国近代史研究综述  虞和平


Modern Chinese History Studies No.3, 2007

An Analysis of Early Republican “Intellectual Circles”: Press Media and the Life Style of IntellectualsZhang Qing (1)

The main aim of this article is to analyze the intellectual circles in Early Republican China based on the intellectual environment produced by the press media and the new life style among intellectuals that emerged from it. On the one hand, this paper tries to explain the new changes in the press media in Republican China after its development in the late Qing period. However, the changes examined are not quantitative changes; they are the media’s interactions with thought, politics and society. With this approach, we examine what characteristics the press media produced in the intellectual environment of Early Republican China. On the other hand, in order to observe what kinds of new characteristics appeared in the life style of intellectuals, this paper tries to integrate the interactions between the press and intellectuals, in particular the relationship between the press and intellectuals in colleges and universities. In every era intellectuals always have symbols to show their status, and early Republican intellectuals were no exception. Through interactions between the press media and intellectuals, perhaps we can explain better how the early Republican intellectual environment molded intellectuals, and better understand early Republican “intellectual circles.”

The Wuhan Guomindang’s Policies of “Uniting with the CCP” and “Breaking with the CCP” Yang Kuisong (26)

From the end of 1926 to the summer of 1937, the policy of the Guomindang in Wuhan made a 180 degree turn from the left to the right. An important reason that led to the Wuhan Guomindang’s change of policy was the swift development of the workers’ and peasants’ movements under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), because this situation severely damaged the frail financial base on which the Wuhan government’s existence depended and undermined the loyalty of military officers. In fact, both the Central Committee of the Guomindang in Wuhan or the Central Committee of the CCP did their best to control the workers’ and peasants’ movements at the time. However, the lack of grass-root cadres in the CCP, and especially Stalin’s naked interference in China’s revolutionary policies, driven by the power struggles within the United Communist (Bolshevik) Party, not only rendered the CCP unable to adjust its worker and peasant policies as the changing situation demanded, but also greatly stimulated the Wuhan Guomindang’s suspicious attitude. These facts have implications for the Wuhan Guomindang’s change from “uniting with the CCP” to ultimately setting out to “break with the CCP.”

Normal and Abnormal States of Beijing Politics: A Study of the Controversy between Li Yuanhong’s Presidential Palace and Duan Qiri’s State Council Wang Chaoguang (51)

After Yuan Shikai’s abortive proclamation as emperor and ignominious death, severe contradictions and conflicts arose on many issues between the new premier Duan Qiri and the new president Li Yuanhong, giving rise to an inter-departmental face-off between the Presidential Palace and the State Council. This was for a time the main conflict on Beijing political stage. As a matter of course, the normal state of Beijing politics was for the cabinet to dominate state affairs, but the controversy between Li Yuanhong’s Presidential Palace and Duan Qiri’s State Council was an exception. In fact it could be called an abnormality in Beijing politics. However, the result of the controversy was that Duan Qiri overpowered Li Yuanhong and re-exerted control over political power in Beijing. The key factor in Duan’s victory was his reliance on military force. After this twisted detour, Beijing politics returned from the abnormality of inter-departmental struggle to its normal state of cabinet domination. But the dominance of military force was established even more unshakably. Cabinet domination was developing into military domination. As the Beiyang Army broke up into factions and military interference in government affairs developed, this tendency showed itself more and more.

From “Public Recommendation” to “Election”: The Torturous Evolution of the Staff Election System of the Tianjin Chamber of Commence Zhu Ying (66)

Though election systems in the modern sense were first put into practice in China in chambers of commence—civil industrial and commercial societies—in the late Qing Dynasty, the specific voting processes of chambers of commerce in different places were not the same. After the chambers of commerce in Shanghai and Suzhou were formally established, they immediately began to work out and implement election systems, but the Tianjin Chamber of Commence insisted on choosing general mangers, assistant managers and directors by public recommendation. The Chamber did not implement an “election” system. In the early Republican period, the Tianjin Chamber still thought that “public recommendation” was better than “election.” Even after the promulgation of the Law of Chambers of Commerce, which clearly regulated that the chambers of commerce must implement a system of election, the Tianjin Chamber still hoped the government would give it special permission to continue using “public recommendation.” Nevertheless, implementing “elections” was the trend of the times, and in 1918 the Tianjin Chamber also established an election system in its bylaws, and entered a new era of electing its chairman and directors by vote. The torturous evolution of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce from “public recommendation” to “election” illustrates that the leaders of the Chamber during the process of establishing the election system were conservative both in thought and action. They not only lacked creative measures, but also showed scarcely any initiative to learn the existing election systems of other chambers of commence. This phenomenon also shows that the understandings of modern election systems differed between chambers of commerce in different places.

The Defense Corps in Taiwan in the Late Qing Dynasty Xu Yuliang (78)

The first time a Defense Corps was stationed in Taiwan was 1866. From then on, the importance of the Defense Corps gradually surpassed the Green Standard Army and became the defensive force in Taiwan. Taiwan’s Defense Corps can be broken down into the Hubei Army, Anhui Army, Fujian Green Standard Militia, Guangdong Green Standard Militia, Guizhou Green Standard Militia and Taiwan Green Standard Militia. Among these the Anhui Army was the most important, because it was entrusted with the key duty to defend Taiwan after Taiwan became a province in 1885. The establishment of the Defense Corps also changed the framework for existing forces in Taiwan, including the Taiwan Green Standard Army, border garrisons and local militias. These forces successively adopted the organization of the Defense Corps, learned to use Western weapons, and even received substantial pay and provisions over and above their original salaries. The Defense Corps in Taiwan participated in two kinds of campaigns: campaigns to pacify domestic disturbances and wars to resist foreign aggression. Typical campaigns of the former type were the campaign to put down the Shi Jiuduan Incident in Zhanghua in 1888, suppressing the native riot in Shisanchang, and hunting bandits. Typical campaigns of the latter type were resistance against Japanese and French aggression in the Mudan She Incident in 1874, the Sino-French War from 1884-1885, and the Sino-Japanese War of 1895. In order to resist Taiwan’s cession to Japan by the Treaty of Shinonoseki in 1895, officials and gentry in Taiwan established the Taiwan Democratic Republic. A part of the Defense Corps participated in this campaign, which turned ou to be their final battle to defend Taiwan.

Charles William Legendre and Japan’s First Invasion of Taiwan Li Li, Zhao Guohui (100)

Looking at Two Public Debt Issues by Guangdong Province in the Late Qing Period Based on the Archives of the Canton Customs Li Aili (117)


Two Telegrahic Memorials to the Throne from Liu Kunyi and Wang Wenshao Jia Xiaoye (127)

Review: Zheng Dahua’s New Work: History of Late Qing Thought——Also a Discussion of Some Issues in the Study of Late Qing Thought Guo Hanmin (133)

Summary of Studies on Modern Chinese History in 2006 Yu Heping (141)

责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:31

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