王觉一与末后一着教新探 韩志远(1)
1924—1927年中俄会议研究 唐启华(29)
1920年代国内蒙古问题之争——以中俄交涉最后阶段之论争为中 敖光旭(55)
检疫、种族与租界政治 ——1910年上海鼠疫病例发现后的华洋冲突 胡 成(74)
近代西北皮毛贸易与社会变迁 ——以甘宁青绥四省为例 胡铁球(91)
两难的抉择:晚清中英关于香港在中国沿海贸易中的地位之争 曹 英(109)
“康有为自写年谱手稿本”阅读报告 茅海建(120)
20世纪30-40年代的实业界星五聚餐会 张守广(143)
为学贵在勤奋与一丝不苟——瞿同祖先生访谈录 瞿同祖 赵利栋(147)
书讯《回应革命与改革:皖北李村的社会变迁与延续》 韩敏箸 陆益龙 徐新玉译
王觉一与末后一着教新探 韩志远(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)
[内容提要] 晚清时期发生了一件震惊朝野的大案,即末后一着教案。此案首犯是名叫王觉一的教主。他利用宗教作掩护长期在民间进行反清活动,其创建的末后一着教组织分布于直隶、山东、河南、安徽、江苏、江西、湖北、四川等18个省。从光绪七年(1881)起,末后一着教几次试图组织反清武装暴动,最终被清朝官军镇压下去。随后,在“务获严办”、“务绝根株”的圣谕之下,清政府在全国范围追剿王觉一及其徒众。然而,直到光绪十年末此案结案时,不仅教首王觉一漏网,大部分骨干成员也踪迹皆无。与此同时,有关该教的核心机密也随之一起消失。本文利用新发现的档案资料对末后一着教问题重新进行探讨,内容涉及教主王觉一的生年、籍贯、姓名、教派名称、该教创立的时间、经书与图文的流传、组织及其活动情况、政治目的、清朝各级政府对该教案的审理等问题。
1924-1927年中俄会议研究 唐启华(政治大学历史系教授)
[关键词] 中俄协议|中俄会议|加拉罕|王正廷
1920年代国内蒙古问题之争——以中俄交涉最后阶段之论争为中心 敖光旭(中山大学孙中山研究所教授)
检疫、种族与租界政治——1910年上海鼠疫病例发现后的华洋冲突 胡 成(南京大学历史系教授)
近代西北皮毛贸易与社会变迁 胡铁球(宁夏大学人文学院历史系讲师)
两难的抉择:晚清中英关于香港在中国沿海贸易中的地位之争 曹 英(湖南师范大学历史文化学院讲师)
[内容提要] 晚清时期,香港沦为英国的殖民地,与中国内地贸易的性质相应发生变化。第二次鸦片战争以后,中英两国协议,按照条约规定,在中国沿海贸易中将香港视为外国口岸。但是由于税收利益冲突,中英双方对于香港在国内转运贸易中的地位问题存在着难以抉择的两难局面,双方都希望香港能够在不同的情况下享有外国口岸和中国口岸的双重待遇,但双方的要求又是完全对立的,由此而引发了复杂的冲突与交涉。最后,1886年中英《香港鸦片贸易协定》正式确认了香港在沿海贸易中的外国口岸地位。这一问题充分体现了英国对华经济侵略的强权性质,反映了清政府主权观念的淡薄和经济发展意识的缺乏,但清政府反对从香港的走私和绕运,也有利于保护国家税收,维持经济秩序。
“康有为自写年谱手稿本”阅读报告 茅海建(北京大学历史学系教授)
20世纪30-40年代的实业界星五聚餐会 张守广(西南大学历史学院副教授)
为学贵在勤奋与一丝不苟——瞿同祖先生访谈录 瞿同祖 赵利栋
书讯 韩敏箸 陆益龙 徐新玉译
Modern Chinese History Studies No.4, 2007
A New Probe into Wang Jueyi and the Mohou Yizhao Cult
Han Zhiyuan (1)
In the late Qing period there was a major case that shocked both court and commoners, the case of the Mohou Yizhao Cult. The chief criminal of the case was Wang Jueyi, the founder of the cult. Taking religion as a cover, he undertook anti-Qing activities in Chinese society over a long period of time. His cult spread through eighteen provinces including Zhili, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei and Sichuan. Starting from the seventh year of Guangxu (1881), the cult tried several times to stage anti-Qing uprisings, but all of them were suppressed by Qing forces. From then on, the Qing government pursued Wang Jueyi and his followers in accordance with Emperor Guangxu’s edict to “severely punish” and “uproot” them. However, by the time the case was wound up in the tenth year of Guangxu, not only had the founder Wang Jueyi not been found, there was of the other key members either. At the same time, the Cult’s key secrets also disappeared. Using newly found documents, this paper re-probes several problems of the Mohou Yizhao cult: founder Wang Jueyi’s birth year, birth place and name; the name of the cult; the date of the founding of the Cult; the spread of its scriptures and images; its organization and activities; its political aims; and the trials related to the cult conducted by all levels of the Qing government.
A Study of the Sino-Russian Conferences, 1924-1927
Tang Qihua (29)
After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union had issued two declarations to China and expressed its willingness to give up all privileges established by old treaties. However, in the process of negotiating the establishment of diplomatic relations, Leo Karakhan maintained that new treaties must be negotiated before the old treaties could be replaced. The two parties finally made a compromise: to first agree on an outline for the resolution of all unsettled questions, and then, after establishing diplomatic relations, to formally hold a conference “during which” the details of all unsettled questions would be resolved. The conference should have been held within one month and concluded within six months, but it was only belatedly held after a delay of one year and three months. The conferences that were held successively by sub-committees had generally halted by the summer of 1926 because the great differences between the two parties prevented them from reaching an agreement. When Zhang Zuolin sent troops to ransack the Soviet embassy in Beijing and Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations substantially broke down, the Sino-Russian conference immediately stopped, having gained no concrete results. Therefore, the Soviet Union’s promise of giving up all privileges in China did not come true.
Controversies over the Mongolia Issue in China in the 1920s: Centered on Arguments in the Late Stages of the Sino-Russian Negotiations
Ao Guangxu (55)
For a long time the Mongolia issue was the main obstacle to the re-establishment of Sino-Russian diplomatic relations, and it also became a focus of public opinion because of the Sino-Russian negotiations. The pro-Russia intelligentsia began to split into two factions: one favored uniting with Russia and another was hostile to Russia. Later all intellectuals became suspicious of Moscow’s world revolution theory. The most sensitive and direct reason for their suspicions was the intervention of Russia in the Mongolia issue. The different explanations of and debates over “national self-determination” between different factions made the Mongolia issue highly politicalized. As the sovereignty discourse gradually overwhelmed the revolution discourse in China, a tendency to abandon “national self-determination” appeared. “National self-determination” was the ideal pursuit of oppressed nations and countries, and it became a political weapon in the hands of different forces when it spread all over the world. The Mongolia issue was the most important national issue in China in the 1920s. The imported notion of “national self-determination” encountered difficulties in China, impelling it to expand into intellectual and academic fields from the realm of diplomatic and political disputes, and letting it exert a special influence on the building of China’s ethnology.
Quarantine,Race and Politics in the International Settlement: Clashes between Chinese and Foreigners after the Outbreak of Plague in Shanghai in 1910
Hu Cheng (74)
In the early October of 1910, plague cases were discovered in the Shanghai International Settlement. Since the “unsanitary” Chinese were regarded as a seedbed for the spread of the plague, the Shanghai Municipal Council implemented quarantine regulations with obvious race prejudices. This led to a sudden strain in the relationship between Chinese and foreigners, resulting in several street riots by working-class Chinese. In order to prevent the further deterioration of the situation, the elite Chinese proposed to quarantine themselves voluntarily. They coordinated and negotiated with the foreigners, and at the same time tried to persuade ordinary Chinese people to protest peacefully, and in the end foreigners were forced to make a concession. In the following process of quarantine and treatment, the elite Chinese were scrupulous and ordinary Chinese were cooperative. All of this made the foreigners look at Chinese with new eyes, and it also enhanced Chinese people’s confidence to participate in political affairs in the Shanghai International Settlement. Judging from the chain reaction set in motion by the event, and its successive development, this Chinese protest through demanding voluntary quarantine should be regarded as an important link in the chain that gradually eroded the power of Britain in the Shanghai International Settlement.
The Fur Trade and Social Change in Modern Northwest China
Hu Tieqiu (91)
Beginning in the late Qing period, along with the successive deepening and extending of Sino-Western trade, the fur trade gradually became the “engine” of all commerce and finance in Northwest China. The “engine” not only strongly promoted the development and spread of towns in the Northwest, but also forcefully changed the consumption framework of Northwestern herders. The former change can be seen mainly in the fact that the distribution of towns in the Northwest gradually shifted from a pattern centered along the corridor to the west of the Yellow River, to a pattern following the course of the Yellow River itself, i.e. the traditional east-west axis of Northwest China’s towns became a north-south axis. The latter change was mainly embodied in the fact that the number and variety of articles purchased by herders—such as grains and textiles—increased rapidly, leading to important changes in the structure of their material lives. Moreover, the fur trade also led to changes in many other areas, such as the Northwestern herders’ ideas and the structure of production. These questions also deserve attention and research.
Dilemma: Disputes between China and Britain over Hong Kong’s Status in the Chinese Coast Trade in the Late Qing Period Cao Ying (109)
Reading Report on Kang Youwei’s Manuscript of His Own Life Chronicle
Mao Haijian (120)
The Friday Dinner Parties of the Business Community in the 1930s and 1940s
Zhang Shouguang (143)
The Key to Doing Academic Research is Diligence and Meticulous Care: An Interview with Mr. Qu Tongzu
Qu Tongzu, Zhao Lidong (147)
责任编辑:国强 最后更新:2021-05-30 19:47:38
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