Page 67 - Marutas of Unit 731
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cultivation  and  breeding  of  parasites  intended  to  cause  plague  epidemics.  In
                a  testimony  by  Kawashima  during  the  Khabarovsk  Trial,  he  stated,  “…  With

                the   available   equipment    and   its   rate   of   output,   the   Production   Division…

                could  manufacture  as  much  as  300  kilograms  of  plague  bacter ia  monthly,  or

                800  to  900  kilograms  of  typhoid  germs”.  is  was  also  ver i ed  by  another

                accused    in   the   Khabarovsk    Trial,   “…   e   monthly     output    of   the   ger m

                producing      division   could    be   raised…    if   all   its   equipment   were   fully
                operated, to about 300 kilograms of plague bacter ia.”
                     e  wholesale  breeding  of   eas  using  rodents  such  as  mice  and  rats  was

                also utilized as a line of defense as a type  of bacter iological weapon, not only

                for  the  personnel  bacteriological  unit’s  personnel,  but  also  by  special  squads

                detailed   from   line   troops   of   the   Kwantung   Army.   In   Branch   543   of   Ishii’s
                Network in Hailar, there were about 13,000 rats in the  summer of 1945.                   In
                fact,   there   were   multiple   branches    of   Unit   731   close   to   the   Mongolian

                People’s  Republic  and  the  Soviet  Union  in  locations  such  as  Sunyu,  Hailar,

                Linkow, and Hailin.

                e  Chief  of  Branch  673  of  Unit  731  was  located  in  the  town  of  Sunyu,  and

                the   Chief   of   the   Training   Division   of   the   detachment,   Nishi   Toshihide,

                testi ed that, From Januar y 1943 to July 1944, and then from June  to August

                1945,   I   was   in   charge   of   Branch   673   of   Detachment   731   in   the   town   of

                Sunye,  which  was  engage  in  breeding  white  rats,  mice,  and  guinea  pigs,  in
                catching  eld rodents and in breeding  eas… In particular, the  breeding and

                catching  of  rodents  and  the  breeding  of   eas  to  be  sent  to  Detachment  731

                were  intensi ed,  since  the  spreading  of  plague  ger ms  by  scatter ing  plague-

                infected    eas   was   regarded   as   the   most   effective   means   of   bacter iological

                warfare.”  It  was  to  be  kept  an  extreme  secret  as  he  continued,  “On  August
                11-12, 1945, owing to the advance  of the  Soviet Army, and with the  object of
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