Page 108 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 108


                       OF THE WITNESS TAMURA TADASHI

               October 31, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Tamura  Tadashi,  born  1905,  in  Japan,  in  the  Koochi  Prefecture,  Takaoka  County,  the
               village  of  Ogawa,  of  Japanese  nationality,  higher  education.  Formerly  Colonel  in  the
               Japanese  Army,  before  being  taken  prisoner—Chief  of  the  Personnel  Division  of  the
               Kwantung Army Headquarters.

                  .  .  .  Although  the  detachment  was  officially  called  The  Water  Supply  and  Prophylaxis
               Administration, this name was actually a screen to cover up its chief function—a special unit
               for  preparing  to  conduct  bacteriological  warfare  and  for  the  mass  production  of
               bacteriological means of attack and defence, of which I myself became convinced when I
               visited Detachment 731.

                  Question: Tell us about this visit in detail.

                  Answer: I must add to my testimony, before speaking about my visit to Detachment 731,
               that I first heard about its function clearly and definitely on taking up my post as Chief of the
               Personnel Division of the Kwantung Army Headquarters in December 1944, or to be more
               precise, in the first days of January 1945.

                  . . . Lieutenant General Kasahara, at that time Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army, told
               me that I will have to pay special attention to Detachment 731, since that detachment, as he
               told  me  frankly,  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  means  of  bacteriological  attack  and
               defence, i.e., was preparing to conduct bacteriological warfare.

                  True, General Kasahara did not tell me then that the detachment was preparing to conduct
               bacteriological warfare against the Soviet Union, but that was clear to me without him telling
               me, for I knew perfectly well that the function of the whole Kwantung Army was to prepare
               for an attack upon the Soviet Union.

                  During  a  conversation  with  Major  General  Matsumura,  Chief  of  the  lst  Division  of
               Headquarters,  which  I  had,  soon  after  my  appointment,  General  Matsumura  told  me  that
               Detachment 731 and its experimental work in employing bacteriological means of warfare
               was directed by the 1st Division, of which he was in charge.

                  At  the  end  of  May  1945,  a  letter  was  received  from  Lieutenant  General  Ishii  Shiro,
               addressed to the Commander-inChief of the Kwantung Army, requesting that the despatch of
               the required number of officers to Detachment 731 be hastened.

                  I do not remember the actual wording of that document, but the gist of it was that in order

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