Page 107 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 107

permission. The questioners tortured him by tying him to a beam by the hands or the feet.
               Nevertheless,  Demchenko  gave  no  information.  I  then  decided  to  have  him  physically
               exterminated, and sent him to Detachment 731 for this purpose....

                  The actual despatch of the doomed Soviet citizens was carried out by gendarme Shioda,
               who made arrangements by telephone with the gendarme in Detachment 731 about the time.
               Detachment 731 always sent their own motor vehicle for the people—a covered car holding
               about  20  people  without  belongings.  In  conformity  with  the  instructions  of  the  Harbin
               J.M.M., I ordered gendarme Shioda to send people to Detachment 731 without their personal
               belongings. These belongings were sent to the 4th Division of the Harbin J .M.M., and this
               division used the belongings, particularly army uniforms, for the needs of the Mission.

                  Dressed in these uniforms, Japanese spies were sent into Soviet Union territory. I learned
               this from members of the 4th Division. From whom in particular I do not now remember. A
               list of the names of all the people we sent to Detachment 731 was made in two copies; one
               copy was taken by the man from Detachment 731 and the other was kept at the Hogoin camp.

                  I myself did not ask the Detachment 731 men for a document certifying the receipt of the
               prisoners. During the whole period that I served at the Hogoin camp there was not a single
               case of any of the people despatched returning to the Hogoin camp.

                  This circumstance served to convince me still more of the truth of what I had heard, that in
               Detachment  731  Soviet  citizens  died  from  the  tests  made  on  them  of  the  action  of  lethal
               bacteria and of poison gases.

                  Question: What do you wish to add to your testimony?

                  Answer: I have nothing more to add.

                  The record has been taken down faithfully from my words and was read to me in Russian
               and in Japanese, which I confirm by my signature.



                 Member of the staff

                 of the Office of the Ministry

                 for Internal Affairs

                 for the Khabarovsk Territory,

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