Page 2 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 2


                  During December 25-30, 1949, twelve former members of the Japanese armed forces were
               tried in Khabarovsk, charged with preparing and employing the bacteriological weapon.

                  The men brought to trial were: General Yamada Otozoo, formerly Commander-in-Chief of
               the Japanese Kwantung Army; Lieutenant General of the Medical Service Kajitsuka Ryuji,
               formerly Chief of the Medical Administration of the same army; Lieutenant General of the
               Veterinary Service Takahashi Takaatsu, formerly Chief of the Veterinary Service of the same
               army;  Major  General  of  the  Medical  Service  Kawashima  Kiyoshi,  formerly  Chief  of  a
               division of Bacteriological Detachment 731; Major of the Medical Service Karasawa Tomio,
               formerly Chief of a section of Detachment 731; Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service
               Nishi  Toshihide,  formerly  Chief  of  a  division  of  Detachment  731;  Major  of  the  Medical
               Service Onoue Masao, formerly Chief of a branch of Detachment 731; Major General of the
               Medical  Service  Sato  Shunji,  formerly  Chief  of  the  Medical  Service  of  the  5th  Army;
               Lieutenant  Hirazakura  Zensaku,  formerly  a  researcher  in  Bacteriological  Detachment  100;
               Senior  Sergeant  Mitomo  Kazuo,  formerly  a  member  of  the  same  detachment;  Corporal
               Kikuchi Norimitsu, formerly probationer medical orderly of Branch 643 of Detachment 731,
               and Kurushima Yuji, formerly laboratory orderly of Branch 162 of Detachment 731.

                  The case was tried in open court sessions by the Military Tribunal of the Primorye Military
               Area consisting of Major General of Jurisprudence and President of the Court, C h e r t k o v,
               D.  D.,  and  members  of  the  Court:  Colonel  of  Jurisprudence  I  1  n  i  t  s  k  y,  M.  L.,  and
               Lieutenant Colonel of Jurisprudence V o r o b y o v, I. G. The Indictment was upheld by State
               Counsellor  of  Jurisprudence  of  Third  Class  S  m  i  r  n  o  v,  L.  N.  Defence  Counsel  were:
               member of the Moscow Bar Association, Belov, N. P.—defending General Yamada; member
               of the Moscow Bar Association; S a n n i k o v, S. E.—defending Lieutenant General of the
               Medical Service Kajitsuka; member of the Moscow Bar Association, Z v e r y e v, A. V.—
               defending Lieutenant General of the Veterinary Service Takahashi; member of the Moscow
               Bar  Association,  B  o  r  ov  i  k,  N.  K.—defending  Major  General  of  the  Medical  Service
               Kawashima; member of the Moscow Bar Association, Bogachov, P. Y.— defending Major
               General of the Medical Service Sato; President of the Khabarovsk Territory Bar Association,
               Luklantsev,  V.  P.—defending  Major  of  the  Medical  Service  Karasawa  and  Major  of  the
               Medical  Service  Onoue;  member  of  the  Khabarovsk  Territory  Bar  Association,
               Bolkhovitinov,  D.  E.—defending  Lieutenant  Colonel  of  the  Medical  Service  Nishi  and
               Lieutenant Hirazakura; President of the Primorye Territory Bar Association, Prokopenko, G.
               K.— defending Senior Sergeant Mitomo, Corporal Kikuchi and Kurushima.

                  The findings on matters of bacteriology and medicine were submitted to the Court by a
               commission of experts consisting of: member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the
               U.S.S.R. Zhukov-Ver e z h n i k o v, N. N.; Colonel of the Medical Service K r a s n o v, V.
               D.;  director  of  the  Department  of  Microbiology  in  the  Khabarovsk  Medical  Institute,
               Professor K o s a r y e v, N. N.; decent in the Department of Microbiology of the Khabarovsk
               Medical  Institute,  L  i  v  k  i  n  a,  E.  G.;  Lieutenant  Colonel  of  the  Veterinary  Service
               Alexandrov; N. A.; parasitologist Kozlovskaya, O. L.

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