Page 6 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 6

greater  secrecy,  the  area  around  the  cantonment  was  proclaimed  a  forbidden  zone.  The
               detachment had its own air force unit, as well as a special proving ground, located near Anta

                  Detachment 100 likewise had extensive premises, special equipment and tracts of land for
               its use near the village of Mogatong, ten kilometres south of the town of Changchun.


                  Detachments  731  and  100  had  numerous  branches,  which  were  attached  to  units  and
               formations of the Japanese Kwantung Army and located in the principal strategical areas on
               the border with the Soviet Union. (Vol. 14, p. 29.)

                  The principal function of these branches was to prepare for the practical employment in
               war of the bacteriological weapons produced by the detachments.

                  The  bacteriological  detachments  and  their  branches  were  directly  subordinated  to  the
               Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Kwantung Army.

                  This is corroborated, apart from the testimony of witnesses and accused, by a secret order
               issued on December 2, 1940, by General Umezu Yoshijiro, formerly Commander-inChief of
               the  Japanese  Kwantung  Army,  on  the  formation  and  location  of  four  new  branches  of
               Detachment 731 (Vol. 15, p. 3), which order fell into the hands of Soviet troops in Manchuria
               in 1945.

                  General Yamada, one of the accused in this case, who succeeded Umezu as Commander-
               in-Chief  of  the  Japanese  Kwantung  Army,  has  also  confirmed  in  his  testimony  that  the
               bacteriological units were directly subordinated to him. (Vol. 18, p. 383.)

                  Describing the functions of Detachment 731, accused Yamada Otozoo testified:

                  ". . . Detachment 731 was formed for the purpose of preparing for bacteriological warfare,
               chiefly  against  the  Soviet  Union,  but  also  against  the  Mongolian  People's  Republic  and
               China."  (Vol.  18,  p.  382.)  Yamada  testified  that  Japan  was  conducting  preparations  for
               bacteriological warfare against other states too. (Vol. 18, p. 383.)

                  Yamada  also  testified  that  the  activities  of  Detachment  100  consisted  in  producing
               bacteriological  weapons  for  purposes  of  bacteriological  warfare.  (Vol.  18,  p.  382.)
               Detachment 100, in addition—

                  "... was charged with the duty of carrying out sabotage measures, i.e., infecting pastures,
               cattle and water sources with epidemic germs. In this part of its work Detachment 100 was
               closely connected with the Intelligence Division of the Kwantung Army Headquarters...."

                  The accused Lieutenant General Takahashi of the Veterinary Service, formerly Chief of the
               Veterinary Service of the Japanese Kwantung Army, likewise testified that the function of the

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