Page 7 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 7

"epizootic detachments" was to prepare for and conduct bacteriological warfare and sabotage.
               (Vol. 11, p. 54.)

                  The detachments and their branches carried on systematic bacteriological research with the
               object of ascertaining which types of germs were most effective for use as bacteriological
               weapons, and also of devising methods for breeding them on a mass scale and techniques for
               utilizing them to exterminate large masses of people and cause economic damage by infecting
               cattle and crops with them.

                  Detachment  731  had  eight  divisions.  Of  these,  only  one  (the  3rd)  occupied  itself  with
               questions  of  water  supply  and  prophylaxis.  But  the  workshops  even  of  the  3rd  Division
               manufactured cases for special bacteria shells, which were called "Ishii aerial bombs." These
               shells were to be used for dropping plague-infected fleas from aircraft. (Vol. 2, p. 263.)

                  The  other  divisions  of  Detachment  731  worked  exclusively  on  problems  relating  to
               preparation for and prosecution of bacteriological warfare.

                  The materials of the preliminary investigation have established that the special function of
               the  lst  Division  was  research  in,  and  the  breeding  of,  the  germs  of  plague,  cholera,  gas
               gangrene,  anthrax,  typhoid,  paratyphoid  fever  and  other  diseases  for  their  use  in
               bacteriological warfare.

                  In the course of these researches experiments were conducted not only on animals, but also
               on  human  beings,  for  which  purpose  an  inner  prison  capable  of  holding  from  300  to  400
               persons was set up.

                  The 2nd Division, known as the experimental, conducted tests of bacteriological weapons
               on the proving ground, and also under battle conditions.

                  The 2nd Division had under its control an aircraft unit with specially equipped planes and
               the proving ground near Anta Station. A section engaged in the cultivation and breeding of
               parasites intended to cause plague epidemics was also under the control of this division.

                  The 2nd Division designed special weapons for the dissemination of germs: sprayers in the
               form of fountain pens and walking sticks, porcelain aerial bombs, etc. A roster of weapons
               for the use of sabotage groups which was found in Japanese archives shows that the fountain-
               pen sprayers were part of the recognized armament of the Japanese Army. (Vol. 16, p. 16.)

                  One of the divisions was called the "Training and Education" Division; it trained special
               cadres skilled in the use of bacteriological weapons for combat units of the Japanese Army
               and for sabotage groups.

                  For  the  mass  production  of  germs  in  quantities  sufficient  for  bacteriological  warfare,
               Detachment 731 had a production division (the 4th Division), which, in the words of its chief,
               the accused Kawashima, was a "factory" for the mass production of various bacteria.

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