Page 5 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 5

fact that Japan had entered into a criminal conspiracy with Hitler Germany and fascist Italy
               against peace and humanity.

                  The Tribunal further established that Japan had grossly violated the laws and customs of
               war, inasmuch as brutal and inhuman treatment had been meted out by the Japanese military
               to war prisoners and to .civilian inhabitants of the occupied territories.

                  The  preliminary  investigation  in  the  present  case  has  established  that,  in  planning  and
               preparing  aggressive  war  against  the  U.S.S.R.  and  other  states,  the  Japanese  imperialists
               intended to employ on a wide scale for the accomplishment of their aims, and in part did
               employ,  a  criminal  means  of  mass  extermination  of  human  beings—the  weapon  of
               bacteriological warfare.

                    Formation of Special Units for the Preparation
                      and Prosecution of Bacteriological Warfare

                  The preliminary investigation has established that, shortly after the seizure of Manchuria,
               the  Japanese  General  Staff  and  Ministry  for  War  set  up  there  a  bacteriological  laboratory
               forming  part  of  the  Japanese  Kwantung  Army  and  headed  by  Ishii  Shiro,  who  was  well
               known in Japan as an ideologist of bacteriological warfare and who was subsequently" made
               a  lieutenant  general  in  the  Army  Medical  Service.  In  this  laboratory  researches  were
               conducted  in  the  use  of  the  germs  of  severe  infectious  diseases  for  purposes  of  offensive
               bacteriological warfare.

                  Accused  Kawashima  Kiyoshi,  formerly  Major  General  in  the  Japanese  Army  Medical
               Service,  has  testified  that,  acting  upon  secret  instructions  from  Emperor  Hirohito,  the
               Japanese General Staff and Ministry for War already in 1935 and 1936 formed in Manchuria
               two top-secret units for preparing and conducting bacteriological warfare.

                  For purposes of secrecy, one of these institutions, which had Ishii's laboratory as its core,
               was  given  the  name  of  "Water  Supply  and  Prophylaxis  Administration  of  the  Kwantung
               Army," and the other the name of "Hippo-Epizootic Administration of the Kwantung Army."
               In 1941, after Hitler Germany's attack on the U.S.S.R. these institutions were given the code
               names  of  "Detachment  731"  and  "Detachment  100,"  respectively.  Detachment  731  was
               placed in the charge of the afore-mentioned Ishii Shiro, and Detachment 100 in that of Major
               General Wakamatsu of the Veterinary Service.

                  These detachments were composed of expert bacteriologists and their extensive research
               and technical personnel was directed by some of the leading bacteriologists of Japan. The
               scale  of  the  work  conducted  by  the  bacteriological  detachments  is  indicated,  among  other
               things, by the fact that Detachment 731 alone had a personnel of about 3,000.

                  The Japanese Army Command allocated very considerable sums for the maintenance of the
               detachments  engaged  in  the  production  of  bacteriological  weapons.  For  example,  for  the
               accommodation of Detachment 731, a large military cantonment, with numerous laboratories
               and  service  structures,  had  been  erected  by  1939  in  the  vicinity  of  Pingfan  Station,  20
               kilometres from Harbin. Considerable stocks of raw materials were laid in. For purposes of

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